Adele Warns Fans To Not Throw ‘Sh-t’ On Stage: ‘I’ll F–king Kill You’

Adele Warns Fans To Not Throw ‘Sh-t’ On Stage: ‘I’ll F–king Kill You’

In a recent concert, renowned singer Adele issued a warning to her fans, urging them not to throw any items on stage. She expressed her dissatisfaction after someone lobbed what she described as “sh-t” onto the stage. The incident took place during a performance in Verona, Italy, where Adele exclaimed, “That wasn’t very nice,” and proceeded to utter a threat towards the culprit, saying, “If I see one more person throwing a thing on this stage, I swear to God, I’ll f–king kill you.”

While it is not unusual for fans to throw items on stage during concerts as a form of admiration, it seems that the behavior had reached a point where Adele felt compelled to address it directly. The singer stated that she enjoys interacting with her audience and wants everyone to have a good time, but encouraged them to refrain from throwing anything towards her. She made it clear that her concern stemmed not only from the risk it posed to her wellbeing but also to the safety of her fans, as outlined when she warned that the items could hit someone’s eye.

The incident highlights the importance of respecting boundaries and understanding the potential consequences of actions, even in a concert setting. Adele’s swift and emphatic response serves as a stern reminder that such behavior is unwelcome and will not be tolerated. Fans attending future concerts are likely to take this warning to heart, ensuring a more enjoyable and safe experience for everyone involved.