“Pop Queen” Madonna once dated a boyfriend who was 3 years younger than her first daughter

“Pop Queen” Madonna once dated a boyfriend who was 3 years younger than her first daughter

Madonna has a long love life with a series of young lovers, equal to the age of her first daughter. The youngest boyfriend the ” pop queen ” has ever dated is 41 years younger than her and even 3 years younger than her daughter.

When the love rumors between Madonna and Andrew Darnell spread, many criticism and sarcasm appeared. They think that with a 41 year age difference, this love affair is no different from a grandmother-grandchild relationship. Because of this, this boyfriend is younger than Madonna’s eldest daughter (27 years old this year).

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Pop queen Madonna once dated a boyfriend who was 3 years younger than her first daughter - Picture 2

Andrew Darnell is only 23 years old this year. Madonna and Andrew Darnell dated right after the singer broke up her 3-year relationship with 28-year-old dancer Ahlamalik Williams . The two were caught making out at a party in New York (USA) last September and appeared extremely in love.

Previously, the romantic relationship between Madonna and 28-year-old dancer Ahlamalik Williams was controversial. But after the relationship with Williams ended, Madonna even had an affair with a younger male artist who was younger than her ex-lover.

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The intimate and undisguised gestures of affection show that Madonna has no hesitation in continuing to date young men.

However, after 5 months of dating, Madonna and model Andrew Darnell, 23 years old, officially went their separate ways. The reason is said to be that Darnell has a new girlfriend who is almost the same age as him.

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According to Mirror : “Singer Material Girl is having a crisis of confidence after her breakup with Andrew, as well as recent criticism about her strange face at the Grammy Awards,”

Meanwhile, Page Six revealed that the “Queen of Pop”‘s love affair with her young lover was not very passionate, but after the breakup, Madonna felt miserable because at this time her mood was really not right. .

The source added: “Madonna had many happy memories with Andrew, but it was never true love. However, she was very sad because she could not move on with the young man.”

Just after a short time ending her love affair with her younger boyfriend, who is 3 years younger than her daughter, singer Madonna quickly confirmed that she was dating her boyfriend, 35 years younger than her daughter – Josh Popper . She once posted some photos taken with Josh Popper on Instagram Story. Her boyfriend is nearly three zodiac signs younger than Madonna and 3 years older than her first daughter. He has a gym in New York and trains one of Madonna’s six children.

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Currently, Madonna is still a star attracting attention in the showbiz news flow. She leads a bohemian lifestyle and makes no secret of it.

Some news outlets and a portion of Madonna’s fans have criticized her, saying that Madonna has gone too far in expressing herself, all just to continue to attract attention. There are opinions that what Madonna is doing is not commensurate with her name and career, is not suitable for her age, and even tarnishes Madonna’s image.

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In the past few years, Madonna has no longer been able to create truly impressive hits to make the public talk about her and new music products. Instead, Madonna attracts attention with controversial photos regularly posted on social networks.

Madonna has made many shocking moves in the past few years. She performed seductively on stage, posted many sexy photos and clips on social networks, and dated young men dozens of years younger than her. .age…

Pop queen Madonna once dated a boyfriend who was 3 years younger than her first daughter - Picture 7

After the controversy and criticism about Madonna, many fans said they enjoyed the way Madonna expressed herself in the current period. She is still an artist with a strong personality and her own style when expressing herself both in art and in her personal life. Madonna often goes beyond conventional boundaries and is not afraid to be the center of controversy.

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