Shanna Moakler Claims Travis Barker and Kim Kardashian Had Plans ‘T* F***’ at Sister’s House

Shanna Moakler Claims Travis Barker and Kim Kardashian Had Plans ‘T* F***’ at Sister’s House

Moakler appeared on BunnieXO’s Dumb Blonde podcast and claimed her ex and his now sister-in-law were trying to get busy at what was then his now-wife’s home.

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Photo: S_buckley (Shutterstock)

Shanna Moakler can’t seem to stop herself from spilling Kardashian tea and for that, I am both amused and in awe. She clearly doesn’t realize these people have Marty Singer on speed dial. Or, she just doesn’t give a shit.

Earlier this week, a teaser of Moakler’s appearance on Bunnie XO’s Dumb Blonde podcast included her claims that Travis Barker, her ex-husband with whom she shares two biological children, used to leave reputation-damaging comments about her on TMZ. Worse yet, she also alleged that he deliberately alienated their children as soon as he began dating Kourtney Kardashian.

“He did me pretty dirty,” Moakler vents in one clip. “I’m tired of people shitting on me, I don’t have to like that fucking family. There are people that don’t like that family, don’t watch that fucking show, and don’t give a fuck what Kim Kardashian is doing with her ass.” Hey, she’s not wrong!

On Wednesday, the full episode went live and revealed that Moakler’s accusations against Barker and the Kardashians—namely, Kim—only get worse. According to her, someone once (likely around 2008-ish) “anonymously texted” her purported—and quite honestly, appalling—conversations between Barker and the second eldest Kardashian.

“They were trying to meet up at her sister’s house to fuck,” Moakler said of the messages. Now, which sister Moakler is referring to isn’t specified. However, it seems unlikely that it was Khloe. As we’ve learned from past interviews, Barker met Kim when she was working as Paris Hilton’s “closet girl” in 2006. Barker, who wrote in his memoir that he was on a break with Moakler at this time, was smitten with Kardashian while he was then dating Hilton. By his own admission, he and the closet girl spent an awful lot of time together during this period…

“You might think I would be doing the worst things with this girl because of her tapes, but it was the exact opposite of any other encounter I’ve had with a woman: with Kim, I wanted to be nothing but a gentleman to her…It was so weird,” Barker recalled in Can I Say: Living Large, Cheating Death, and Drums, Drums, Drums. So weird being a gentleman!

Given that timeline, Khloe would’ve only been about 22 years old. Could she have already had a house by then? Sure! She’s one of the original nepo babies from Calabasas. However, I didn’t immediately find any records of such online. Kourtney, however, did purchase a home in 2006…in Calabasas…where Barker bought a home one year later. Perhaps he liked what he saw?

“I wanted this relationship to work,” Moakler continued. “I was so in love with him,” noting that when she showed Barker the anonymous messages, he swiftly “deleted” them. “[He] said, ‘I don’t see anything,’” she recalled. Slick!

Moakler went on to share that she then called and confronted Kim about the messages, only for her to allegedly reply: “‘I don’t like white guys.’”

“I was like, ‘You’ll fuck anyone to be famous,’” Moakler said of her response. “Travis and I never really recovered from that. I felt stupid.”