Travis Barker Says He Never Set Out To Be A Drum Hero Like John Bonham Or Tommy Lee

Travis Barker Says He Never Set Out To Be A Drum Hero Like John Bonham Or Tommy Lee

Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker recently spoke to Billboard and stated that he didn’t start his career to become a drum hero like John Bonham or Tommy Lee, but he is proud of where he is now.

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‘Nine’ is the latest studio album of Blink-182, released in 2019. After putting out the record, each band member primarily focused on their side projects and solo careers. Travis Barker used this period to collaborate with various artists like Machine Gun Kelly and Lil Nas X. He also owns a record label named DTA Records, the producer of Avril Lavigne’s latest album, ‘Love Sux.’

As a talented drummer who has spent years in the music scene, Travis Barker talked about the future of rock during his recent interview with Billboard. He explained that John Bonham, Keith Moon, and Tommy Lee are all idols for the new generations of music lovers, and there is always a door wide open for the young drummers who dream of being in the industry.

Barker also revealed that he never intended to be a drum hero, but somehow, it happened. However, he is now proud of where he is and thinks that it has been a beautiful journey for him so far. The musician is also happy that he is now an idol for the kids interested in drumming. Travis Barker considers it the right decision to persist through drumming as it will never go away.

Travis Barker speaking on being an idol in drumming:

“Everyone could have said it with me, ‘Is there room for another John Bonham? Another Keith Moon? Even another Tommy Lee?’ Those are drum heroes, and I never set out to be one. But it just happens, and it’s a beautiful thing. Kids have to have their idols and their gods of their instruments that they just adore.

To be the Keith Moon and the Phil Collins of drumming, where you’re fun to watch and you’re a great drummer but also produce and make drum parts that people air drum and hook in songs? That isn’t thought about or done enough. So many people thought years ago, ‘That’s a wrap for drummers.’ To see it outlast all of that, it’s never going away.”

Travis Barker also revealed that he had been still working a lot on his drumming skills. The musician explained that he has this endless passion for drumming, and the feeling it gives cannot be compared to any other thing for him.