(C)Discover Travis Kelce’s Movie Preferences! The NFL star dishes on the films he won’t give a second chance.

Travis Kelce’s Christmas Movie Preferences Reveal His Comedic Tastes

Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce is known for his playmaking ability on the football field, but he’s also developed a reputation as a funny, outspoken personality off the field. Through his social media presence and interviews, Kelce has given fans some insight into his entertainment preferences. One topic he’s commented on is Christmas movies, revealing that the 31-year-old athlete has a particular liking for comedies around the holiday season.

In a 2019 interview with NBC Sports, Kelce shared that one Christmas classic he’s not a big fan of is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. The 1989 comedy starring Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold is considered by many to be one of the funniest Christmas movies ever made. However, Kelce said he finds it tries too hard to be funny. “It’s just not my style of comedy,” he explained.

Instead, Kelce expressed a preference for lighter, sillier comedies like Elf or Four Christmases. The Will Ferrell vehicle Elf, released in 2003, takes a more slapstick approach to humor with its story of a human raised among elves who later discovers his true identity. Kelce appreciated Elf’s goofier tone and Ferrell’s energetic performance in the lead role.

Four Christmases, the 2008 romantic comedy starring Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon, also seems to be more up Kelce’s alley. The plot follows a couple who tries to avoid their family on Christmas by visiting all four of their divorced parents’ homes. Kelce likely enjoys Four Christmases’ fast-paced relationship comedy and the awkward holiday scenarios the characters find themselves in.

These movie preferences give clues into the type of humor Travis Kelce gravitates towards – lighter, more slapstick fare rather than drier, cringe-based comedy. As an elite NFL athlete, he probably appreciates movies that keep things moving at a brisk pace without dwelling too much on uncomfortable situations. Elf and Four Christmases fit that bill with their zany antics and situations, while National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’s brand of humor just doesn’t land for Kelce.

Beyond Christmas movies, analyzing Kelce’s other stated entertainment likes and dislikes provides more context for his comedic tastes. In interviews, the tight end has frequently cited comedy legends Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn as two of his favorite actors. Both Ferrell and Vaughn are known for their energetic, larger-than-life performances in broad comedies like Elf, Step Brothers, Old School, and Wedding Crashers.

Kelce seems to be drawn to these actors’ bold, unapologetic styles of physical and verbal humor. Their characters often find themselves in outrageous scenarios and say politically incorrect things without hesitation. This no-holds-barred approach to comedy likely matches Kelce’s brash on-field persona and personality. He enjoys movies that aren’t afraid to push boundaries for a laugh.

On the other hand, Kelce has implied disinterest in certain genres that don’t deliver the comedy or excitement he looks for in entertainment. For example, slow-paced character dramas or documentaries probably don’t hold his 90-minute attention span compared to laugh-out-loud comedies. Sports documentaries focused on leagues other than the NFL also may lack relevance for Kelce outside of football season.

While it’s impossible to definitively say every type of movie or show Kelce wouldn’t enjoy, his stated preferences provide clues. His film tastes appear geared towards comedies delivering big laughs through over-the-top performances and situations rather than more nuanced humor. Lighthearted romps like Elf and Four Christmases fit that mold perfectly for the loquacious Chiefs star looking to unwind from his day job on Sundays.

Through his Christmas movie opinions and admiration for comedic talents like Ferrell and Vaughn, Travis Kelce has revealed himself to be a fan of unabashed, high-energy comedy when he’s not focused on football. His movie preferences match his brash on-field style that’s helped make him one of the NFL’s top tight ends. By understanding what makes Kelce laugh on screen, fans gain further insight into what motivates one of the league’s most colorful personalities away from the gridiron as well.