Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson tastes his own BLOOD as he shows off a cut he got while pumping iron

Dwayne Johnson’s love for pumping iron left him a little bloody.

The actor known as The Rock proved the old adage ‘No pain, go gain’ when he cut himself with a bulky chain while exercising.

The tough guy addressed the Instagram head on while blood dripped from a cut right under his eyebrow.

Ouch! His snap comes days after his love for pumping iron left him bloody on Monday

‘Sometimes,  well often times, things get intense here in the iron paradise,’ he said, ‘But we ain’t playing tiddlywinks and we ain’t reciting nursery rhymes.’

‘You get lumped up every once in a while and things happen’, he went on before he swiped his finger across the cut and took a taste of his own blood and saying: ‘That’s good.’

He continued to make his point in a caption which said: ‘It ain’t called #HaikuPoetryParadise, its called the #IronParadise for a reason and things get extremely intense.’

Trying to motivate, Johnson said: ‘Throwing around 50lb chains ⛓ for a drop set, until failure and sometimes you get lumped up and need stitches.’

Secret vampire? The actor proved the old adage 'No pain, go gain' when he cut himself with a bulky chain while exercising. As he addressed the Instagram head on while blood dripped from a cut right under his eyebrow

Grimly, he continued: ‘Taste your own blood, keep working out and stitch up later – rules of the house.’

He joked about the gore, however, saying: ‘And I can confirm my blood tastes like Teremana, calluses and BlaMoan (black and samoan) Hot Sauce’

Sending people positivity,  The Rock signed off saying: ‘Have a productive week, my friends – keep it light and a lil’ fun, but get after it like a MF.’

The Jumanji star knows a thing or two about pain.

Johnson, who got his start in pro wrestling, recently opened up about his final Wrestlemania event seven years ago, where he faced off against none other than John Cena.

Fighter: Johnson, who got his start in pro wrestling, recently opened up about his final Wrestlemania event seven years ago, where he faced off against none other than John Cena

During the match he powered through an injury, determined to finish their bout.

Sharing on Instagram back in May, he said: ‘I was laying there and I thought, “Well there’s no bones sticking out, so my cards are gonna be what they’re gonna be right now, and I’m gonna finish this match.” Again, to identify the why, why was it important for me to finish this match?

‘Because an injury that severe, I would’ve been well within my right to tell the referee and tell John Cena in the middle of the match, “I can’t go, I don’t know what the f**k just happened to my leg.”

‘I can’t feel it, nor can I really move it. So I have to rely on momentum to move my leg. Something’s really wrong. I could’ve, but I didn’t – why?

‘Because… hand shake. I gave my word that I was going to finish that match and put on a show for the fans, for the company, and for my opponent John Cena – who’s my dance partner – and for the locker room.’