Dwayne The Rock Johnson toasts to his fans with a shot of tequila as he celebrates earning 200 million unique followers on Instagram

And Dwayne The Rock Johnson has tangible evidence that his supporters really do listen to his message as he earned a staggering total of 200 million followers on Instagram this week.

He’s the most followed man in America.

The actor celebrated the milestone with a shot of tequila on Thursday afternoon just days after giving his first ever presidential endorsement to Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris.

Congratulations! Dwayne The Rock Johnson has tangible evidence that his supporters really do listen to his message as he earned a staggering total of 200 million followers on Instagram

Standing on set in a luxury trailer, The Rock looked dapper in a white button down with a black bow tie.

He had on hand a bottle of his Teremana small batch tequila, a company he founded  and launched in March 2020.

‘Maybe you can find value in this take away and apply it to your own life,’ he wrote. ‘Always speak your truth, – do your best to speak with dignity, compassion, respect, poise and empathy. Even when the conversations get uncomfortable – when you approach with respect and care – on the other side of discomfort – is clarity and progress.’

Handsome: Standing on set in a luxury trailer, The Rock looked dapper in a white button down with a black bow tie

Johnson joined a very elite group when surpassing the 200 million marker to become the most followed man in America.

Cristiano Ronaldo holds the title for most followed man in the world with 239 million followers while Ariana Grande is the most followed woman in the world with 203 million.

The Rock’s combined totals across all of his social media platforms is more than 300 million followers.