Ice Cube confirmed the return of Big 3 for its seventh season on X, addressing a fan’s inquiry about why the league wasn’t on Rumble Video

Ice Cube confirmed the return of Big 3 for its seventh season on X, addressing a fan’s inquiry about why the league wasn’t on Rumble Video

Ice Cube’s Big 3 basketball league is making its way to Elon Musk’s X platform, and he’s not shying away from defending the decision amid criticism.

On March 22, the renowned rapper and entrepreneur confirmed the return of Big 3 for its seventh season on X, addressing a fan’s inquiry about why the league wasn’t on Rumble Video. Cube announced the transition to Musk’s media platform, stating, “Cause we’re on X…better ask somebody.”

However, some fans expressed concern about Cube’s partnership with Musk, highlighting Musk’s past associations with far-right viewpoints on the X platform. Despite the backlash, Cube stood firm, asserting his independence as a businessman.

In response to one critic, Cube emphatically stated, “Shut yo btch a** up! I ain’t aligned with nothing, punk. I draw my own fukin lines.”

This isn’t the first time Cube has faced scrutiny for his affiliations, including his support for conservative politicians and anti-vaccine views. He has been vocal about his autonomy and dismissed accusations of being a “sellout.”

Meanwhile, Musk has denied leaning conservative since acquiring X, emphasizing his efforts in sustainable energy and environmental conservation. His recent disassociation with former CNN host Don Lemon underscores his stance on maintaining a moderate position.

As Ice Cube continues to navigate criticism and controversy, his dedication to his business ventures remаins unwavering, regardless of external scrutiny.