Some Taylor Swift fans weren’t pleased Eminem was shown Sunday during the Lions/Rams game.

Eminem not only was shown on the broadcast during the game, but released a hype video ahead of the game and amped up the crowd before people rapped “Lose Yourself.”

The legendary rapper is a MASSIVE fan of the Detroit Lions. Not getting him involved in the mix would have been a big mistake from the Lions. Fortunately, he was locked, cocked and ready to rock as he watched the Lions win the team’s first playoff game in more than three decades.

Taylor Swift fans throw a flag on Eminem coverage during Lions/Rams game.

Well, some people took to social media to complain about how it’s apparently hypocritical to show Eminem while some complain about Taylor Swift getting coverage.

One mega-viral tweet sarcastically claimed Eminem on the broadcast was “ruining football.” It’s the same claim some have made about Swift’s coverage since she started dating Travis Kelce.

Her thoughts were echoed by many others.

I can’t believe I actually have to explain this, but Eminem being shown during the first home playoff game for the Lions in three decades and Taylor Swift’s coverage aren’t similar at all.

Yes, both are massive celebrities, but their fandoms aren’t comparable. Swift isn’t at Chiefs games because she’s a diehard Kansas City fan. She attends Chiefs games because she’s dating Travis Kelce, and has no connection to the team outside of that fact. There’s nothing wrong with that, but let’s just stick to the facts.

Eminem is a huge fan of the Lions and has been a diehard supporter his entire life. He’s had to live through decades of pain, disappointment and embarrassment just like millions of other fans.

Now, for the first time in three decades, he got to attend a home playoff game to watch his Lions play. How can anyone truly believe those are comparable? Taylor Swift might be a football fan, but to try to draw a line from her constantly being talked about in connection to the Chiefs to Eminem loving the Lions is comical.

The star rapper is truly just like any other Lions fan. He’s been downtrodden and beaten by the franchise he loves, and finally, a corner has been turned.
Eminem attended the Rams/Lions game at Ford Field. It was the first home playoff game for the Lions in 30 years. (Photo by Lauren Leigh Bacho/Getty Images)
Let’s stop the nonsense. Swift has every right to attend Chiefs games and the broadcast has every right in the world to show her in order to gin up attention. However, comparing Swift’s coverage to Eminem having something to cheer for for the FIRST TIME IN 30 YEARS is simply silly. Let me know your thoughts at [email protected].