The $3 Million Billionaire III Diamond-Covered Watch Is One Way to Flex

In the world of one-percenters, which is high up on Multi-millionaire and Billionaire Mountain, a flex is only worth the nаme if it costs at least six figures. One of these is Jacob & Co.’s Billionaire III watch.

When Jacob & Co. adds a new incredibly impressive and very expensive watch to its already impressive and very expensive lineup, it makes news, whether it’s a one-off, a limited series, or a production model. This Swiss jeweler says that his job is to show that the impossible is possible. To stay ahead of the competition, he needs to make watches that live up to the hype.

In this case, it generally refers to watches and jewelry that are both very expensive and very difficult to make. These include haute horology feats and jewelry that stands out. It goes without saying that this means a crаzy amount of rare valuable stones, 18K or 24K white or yellow gold for the setting that you can’t always see, and enough diamonds to sink the Titanic.

The Billionaire series, which came out in 2015, is the best example of this showy way of making watches.

Jacob & Co. showed off the newest version of the Billionaire earlier this year. It was the most expensive one to date ($20 million) and the first of its kind because it only used yellow diamonds with the harder Asscher cut. The Billionaire Timeless Treasure piece took 5 long years to finish. It is a historical landmark in the history of luxury timepieces, and it will be worn by Jacob & Co.’s most sensitive and wealthy customer.

That client is said to be the famous rapper Rick Ross, who is known for his love of and collection of rare gems, such as expensive watches, jewelry, and cars. There is talk on social media that he might want to replace his current Billionaire watch with the Timeless Treasure. However, the same thing is being said about boxer Floyd Mayweather, who may be in a better financial position to buy it.

Ever since a new purchаse is being talked about everywhere, Rick Ross should tell everyone that he is already a billionaire. In one of his most recent Instagram posts, he does just that, along with a bunch of other things he’s trying to sell that have nothing to do with our main interests. He wants us to know that he owns a Billionaire III Jacob & Co. watch.

The newest Billionaire model from Jacob & Co. was shown earlier this year. It was the most expensive to date ($20 million) and the first of its kind because it only used yellow diamonds with the harder Asscher cut. After five long years of work, the Billionaire Timeless Treasure piece is now a landmark in the history of high-end watches. It is intended for the wrist of Jacob & Co.’s most sensitive and wealthy customer.The client is said to be the famous rapper Rick Ross, who is known for his love of and collection of rare gems, such as high-end watches, jewelry, and cars. There’s talk on social media that he might want to replace his current Billionaire watch with the Timeless Treasure. But the same thing is being said about boxer Floyd Mayweather, who might be able to afford to buy it.Now that everyone is talking about a possible new purchаse, Rick Ross could tell everyone that he is already a billionaire. This is exactly what he’s doing in one of his most recent Instagram posts, which also promotes a bunch of other things that have nothing to do with our main interests. Apparently he has a Billionaire III Jacob & Co. watch and wants us to know about it.Rick Ross shows off his \$3 million Billionaire III Jacob & Co\. watch

The word “Billionaire” is on the back of this watch, just like the other Billionaire models. The “O” has been changed to a happy face.That’s the first time Rick Ross has worn the Billionaire III with matched finger diamond rings from Jacob & Co. He bought them soon after they were released and has been seen wearing them before. It’s likely not an аccident that he’s wearing the same watch on the cover of Superwatchman Magazine at the same time. There have also been reports that he might buy the Billionaire Timeless Treasure. There is no doubt that this is a flex, and it’s a good one too.