This is the reason Eminem was questioned why he ‘hides’ his face beneath a hoodie

This is the reason Eminem was questioned why he ‘hides’ his face beneath a hoodie

Even while it’s clear that fashion has evolved throughout time, everyone has some wardrobe staples, like that one pair of tracksuit pants you can’t seem to part with.

And Eminem, who has a lengthy history of donning hoodies and headgear, seems to be in a similar situation. To the extent that many have long wondered whether he wears them on purpose to “hide” his head and face.

Previously, Reddit users claimed that the rapper of “Without Me” often wore his hood up because he “is shy” or to “make him feel more comfortable in public.”

Eminem questioned for 'hiding' face behind a hoodie after years of fan's  questions

“Probably so he doesn’t have to look at people and so they can’t take too many pictures of his face,” another person said. Some, however, merely stated that it’s “his style.”

After years of persistent asking, Eminem was finally questioned why he “hides” his face beneath a hoodie back in 2015.

To be clear, however, this was a parody interview meant to make you chuckle.

For his comedy program Only in Monroe, Stephen Colbert had a conversation with “The Real Slim Shady.”

“Can we see his face?” the presenter questioned the camera. He’s wearing a hoodie. Is his face visible to us?

The rapper was then addressed by Colbert, who said, “Have you considered putting the hoodie down? Why cover up your beautiful face with a hoodie when you have one?

Eminem, wearing a hoodie and a baseball hat, took the joke to heart and looked rather stern as he peeled back the hood.

Perhaps the most embarrassing interview Eminem has ever done is that odd comedic sketch. Acceptance: Monroe Public Access

Eminem questioned for 'hiding' face behind a hoodie after years of fan's  questions

Colbert responded to this in a hilarious way by saying, “Yeah, you should probably put the hood back up.” My error.

The presenter referred to the top-charting musician in the US in the 2000s as a “local Michigander who is making a name for himself in the competitive world of music,” which made the whole odd interview spoof somewhat unpleasant.

It’s a challenging industry. Do you have a backup plan?”

“I’m so confused right now,” was Eminem’s response. I’m attempting to gauge your sincerity.

“I released a good number of albums.”

Retaliating, Colbert said, “I’m sure that feels good.” fails to cover the rent.

Playing up his perplexity, Eminem said, “It sort of does.”

Well done, Eminem, for managing to maintain a straight face during the difficult interview charade. And, yes, he is still wearing a hoodie.