Before Nicki Minaj, Cardi B had a “hobby” of throwing shoes at others on reality shows

Cardi B once lost her temper when participating in a reality show about Hip Hop.

 There was a fight between  Cardi B  and  Nicki Minaj that caused a stir at the Harper’s Bazaar ICONS fashion event held in New York. In videos shared online, Cardi B can be seen taking off her shoes to throw them at Nicki, and then part of Cardi’s wig is even pulled off.

Before Nicki Minaj, Cardi B had a hobby of throwing shoes at others on reality shows - Photo 1.

Nicki Minaj and Cardi B at an event where the two got into a fight

It seems like Cardi B really likes to throw shoes, right? On the show “Love & Hip Hop: New York” where she was a key member, Cardi B also had conflicts with her fellow players. When Cardi B did not receive a full explanation as to why member Asia did not like her, the emerging rapper suddenly became impatient and threw her shoes at Asia.

Before Nicki Minaj, Cardi B had a hobby of throwing shoes at others on reality shows - Photo 2.

Nicki Minaj is not the first “victim” whose shoes were thrown by Cardi B

There was almost a big fight if the other members didn’t intervene promptly and advise Cardi to calm down.