Blue Ivy’s unexpected question about Rihanna’s son RZA after Blue sending him a gift left Riri stunned (video)

Rihanna was overjoyed when she received a thoughtful baby gift from Blue Ivy, the daughter of her longtime friends Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

The gift was a handmade blanket with the words “Welcome to the world, Riri Jr.” embroidered on it, along with a cute drawing of a star.

Rihanna was touched by the gesture and decided to call Blue Ivy to thank her personally.

“Hi, Blue! Thank you so much for the beautiful blanket. It’s so sweet of you to make something for my baby girl. She loves it!” Rihanna said.

“Hi, Rihanna! You’re welcome. I’m so happy for you and your baby. I wanted to make something special for her. I hope she likes stars as much as I do.” Blue Ivy replied.

“She does, she does. She’s a star just like you. You’re such a talented and kind girl, Blue. I’m so proud of you.” Rihanna said.

“Thank you, Rihanna. You’re so nice and cool. I love your music and your style. You’re an inspiration to me.” Blue Ivy said.

“Aw, thank you, Blue. You’re an inspiration to me too. You’re so smart and creative. You have a bright future ahead of you.” Rihanna said.

“Thank you, Rihanna. Can I ask you something?” Blue Ivy said.

“Of course, anything.” Rihanna said.

“Can I be your baby’s godmother?” Blue Ivy asked.

Rihanna was stunned by the question. She didn’t expect Blue Ivy to ask her such a big favor. She knew that being a godmother was a serious responsibility and a lifelong commitment.

She also knew that Blue Ivy was only nine years old and had a lot to learn and experience in life. She wondered if Blue Ivy was ready for such a role.

But then she looked at the blanket again and felt a surge of emotion. She remembered how much she loved Blue Ivy and how much Blue Ivy loved her.

She remembered how they had bonded over music, fashion, and art. She remembered how Blue Ivy had always supported her and cheered her up.

She remembered how Blue Ivy had always been there for her, even when others weren’t.

She realized that Blue Ivy was more than just a friend’s daughter. She was like a niece to her, a sister, a daughter. She was family.

She smiled and said, “Yes, Blue. Yes, you can be my baby’s godmother. I would love that.”

Blue Ivy squealed with delight and said, “Really? Really, Rihanna? Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m so happy! I promise I’ll be the best godmother ever.

I’ll take good care of your baby and teach her everything I know. I’ll be there for her whenever she needs me. I’ll love her like my own sister. Thank you, Rihanna. I love you!”

“I love you too, Blue. Thank you for being such a wonderful person. You’ve made me and my baby very happy.” Rihanna said.

They chatted for a while longer, exchanging stories and jokes. They laughed and cried and hugged through the phone.

They ended the call with a promise to see each other soon and to celebrate the new addition to their family.

Rihanna hung up the phone and cuddled with her baby. She looked at her face and saw a resemblance to Blue Ivy. She felt a warm feeling in her heart and thanked the universe for bringing them together.

She whispered to her baby, “You’re so lucky, Riri Jr. You have the best godmother in the world. And you have me. And we have each other. We’re a family. And we’re going to be happy. Forever.”