Cardi B Calls Out Nicki Minaj Barbz For Leaking Her New Song

Cardi B Calls Out Nicki Minaj Barbz For Leaking Her New Song

Cardi B new song was leaked prematurely, and she is blaming Nicki Minaj fans, aka Barbz.

Cardi B Calls Out Nicki Minaj's Barbz After "Money" Leak - The Tropixs

Cardi B had to release her new song “Money” two days before the original release date because it was leaked online. The Bronx rapper jumped on her Instagram Live to let her fans know that the song was leaked by Nicki Minaj fans, code name the Barbz. In the age of online music streaming, artists are dealing with a lot more leaks than usual. Bardi is the latest victim of song leaks, but thankfully her team got a hold of it quickly and tried to undo the damage.

The song was also being heavily circulating on Twitter on Tuesday morning, so it makes perfect sense to release it on Apple Music and Spotify so that her fans can consume it where it counts. Cardi B already developed her theory surrounding the leak and the Barbz are the primary culprit.

“I hope that the people who are here are actually my real followers and not the f***ing fake followers,” she said on IG. “So as you can see, my song “Money” got leaked so am like f*** it if it got leaked then might as well put it out, because you know sometimes when you send your records early to these streaming or these music platforms, somebody from their building leak it.”

“We tried to retract [the song], but you know… the Barbs,” Cardi B added. “They always posting me. They always post everything I do. They claim they hate me, but they really love me because they be on my page before my fans. Everything that I do they be on it before my fans so clearly, that seems like love to me.”

Nicki Minaj fans might not be directly responsible for the leak, but they helped spread the news about the leak on social media.