It turns out one of our favorite celebrity couples has a very different approach to how they eat. In a recent episode of the podcast River Cafe Table 4 guest David Beckham opened up about his love for food, wine, and cooking, but revealed his wife, Victoria Beckham isn’t quite on the same page. In fact, the 46-year-old soccer legend admitted to podcast host Ruthie Rogers that Victoria has eaten the same thing throughout their entire relationship.

“Unfortunately, I’m married to someone that has eaten the same thing for the last 25 years,” David said in the episode. “Since I met Victoria, she only eats grilled fish, steamed vegetables. She will very rarely deviate away from that.”

David added that he could only remember one time throughout their relationship when the 47-year-old fashion designer deviated from her go-to diet. “The only time she’s probably ever shared something that’s been on my plate was actually when she was pregnant with [our daughter] Harper, and it was the most amazing thing,” he said.

When Rogers pushed David to reveal what the food was that Victoria ate, he couldn’t quite remember. “It was one of my favorite evenings. I can’t remember what it was, but I know she’s not eaten it since,” he said.

The mother of four’s diet has always been a point of conversation in the media, and the longtime pescetarian and simple eater has spoken openly about her meal choices. In a previous episode of River Cafe Table 4, Victoria revealed she has avoided meat of all kinds since she was a kid, and also cut most oils, butter, and sauces from her diet in adulthood. She then added that her go-to comfort food is just a plain piece of whole-grain bread with some salt.

“I eat lots of fish, and I have a very, very healthy way of eating,” Victoria said. She admitted that she isn’t a very “exciting eater,” but she does like to enjoy a drink with her dinner.

“I absolutely don’t deny myself anything. If I wanted something I’d have it, It’s just who I am,” Victoria said. “I have this healthy way of eating that works for me.” She added that her diet makes her happy, gives her a lot of energy, and has cleared up years of bad acne.

David on the other hand loves a luxurious meal and, like his wife, a great glass of wine. “It’s one of my biggest passions,” David said about cooking, adding that it relaxes him. “My favorite evenings were, and still are, cooking for the kids, cooking for friends.”