‘Instagram Queen’ Selena Gomez reveals the secret to attracting 400 million followers

Surprisingly, the first woman to reach 400 million followers on Instagram rarely uses her phone.

Before being usurped by Kylie Jenner for a short time, Selena Gomez was the first female star to reach 100 million followers, the first person to own 10 photos with over 1 million likes, setting a record of losing 8 minutes to get 1 million interactions.

At the present time, the female singer has an average of 1 million more followers every day.

Instagram queen Selena Gomez reveals the secret to attracting 400 million followers

Sel dominates Instagram with her beauty, sometimes sweet and cute, sometimes sharp and seductive.

Currently, each advertising post on Selena Gomez’s account costs up to 1.46 million USD (about 33 billion VND), an increase of 612,000 USD (about 14 billion VND) compared to the same period in 2020.

However, sharing with Billboard magazine in 2016, Selena Gomez affirmed that she never aimed for the title “Queen of Instagram”.

Unlike famous stars, who often have a strong team of data analysis experts, photographers, writing teams… to deliver the most perfect posts and content on their accounts. Selena’s Instagram account shares quite carefreely.

Her Instagram mixes professional studio photos, fun moments with friends, and hastily taken selfies backstage.

Few people know that Selena Gomez is one of the names leading the trend of shooting short videos under 1 minute, before it became an   indispensable Stories feature on today’s social networks.

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Selena Gomez is not afraid to share simple everyday moments.

However, after being body-shamed because of her strange appearance due to side effects of long treatments, the way Selena Gomez uses social networks has completely changed.

She announced to temporarily delete the Instagram application from her phone for 2 years and actively took advantage of her position as one of the most influential stars in the virtual world to dialogue directly with technology giants.

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Selena Gomez texted Mark Zuckerberg about malicious behavior on social networks.

In a letter sent to Facebook founder – Mark Zuckerberg and the company’s COO – Ms. Sheryl Sandberg, the singer asked Facebook and Instagram to take decisive measures to handle malicious and defamatory comments. slander, fake news, racism and bigotry.

Or in another interview, Selena Gomez shared that she does not like social networks in general and Instagram in particular. She believes that they have a negative impact on young people, putting pressure on everyone to look more and more alike, eliminating the uniqueness and individuality of each individual.

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Selena Gomez once announced that she was temporarily leaving social networks to “live her own life”.

Currently, the frequency of Selena Gomez using social networks has decreased significantly, mainly posts promoting personal activities or raising community awareness about mental health.

Occasionally, on her free days, the female singer will livestream cooking with friends and interact with real fans.