Is Angelina Jolie Considering Adopting Again Now That Her Kids Are Almost All Grown-Up?

Angelina Jolie gave birth to three of her six children, but the actress has officially been done having biological children for a while.

Angelina Jolie and her children at a movie premiere

Angelina Jolie is already a mother-of-six, but now that her eldest children are grown and moved out of the house, there’s speculation over whether she’ll expand her family via adoption once again.

Angelina gave birth to three of her six children, but the actress has officially been done having biological children for a while. In 2015, the Changeling star had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed after doctors detect potentially early signs of cancer. She also underwent a double mastectomy for the same preventive reasons.

Here’s everything we know about the actress and her future in regards to more children.

Angelina Jolie Can’t Have Any More Biological Children

angelina jolie red carpet

Angelina explained her reasoning in an op-ed for The New York TimesThe actress revealed she carries the BRCA1 gene, which has an 87% risk of breast cancer as well as a 50% risk of ovarian cancer. Angelina’s mother also had breast cancer before dying of ovarian cancer.

The actress said she wanted to take every measure she could to prevent cancer, hence why she underwent the various medical procedures.

“In my case, the Eastern and Western doctors I met agreed that surgery to remove my tubes and ovaries was the best option, because on top of the BRCA gene, three women in my family have died from cancer,” Angelina wrote.

“My doctors indicated I should have preventive surgery about a decade before the earliest onset of cancer in my female relatives,” she continued. “My mother’s ovarian cancer was diagnosed when she was 49. I’m 39.”

Angelina concluded, “Regardless of the hormone replacements I’m taking, I am now in menopause. I will not be able to have any more children, and I expect some physical changes. But I feel at ease with whatever will come, not because I am strong but because this is a part of life. It is nothing to be feared.”

Angelina Considered Adopting After Her Oldest Kids Went To College

Angelina Jolie and her kids at a movie premiere

Angelina may not be physically able to have biological children anymore, but that doesn’t mean the actress isn’t open to adopting. Although she’s never commented on whether she’s open to adopting again, various reports suggest she’s considering the possibility now that her oldest children are grown and moved out.

In 2019, one report claims that Angelina was considering adopting a young child after her eldest son, Maddox, relocated to South Korea to attend college.

“[She] wants it to happen within the next few months,” a source told Radar Online““This has been in the works for a while, but she put it on hold until after Maddox officially left home.”

“Because of her ties to so many countries, Angie has several options to choose from that won’t involve too much red tape or background screening,” they continued. “She’s doing this very methodically and still favors picking a child from an impoverished region she’s familiar with, like Syria or another part of the Middle East.”

“The plan is to have a child in her arms by the year’s end at the latest,” the insider added.

Ultimately, however, Angelina never adopted a seventh child in the years after Maddox moved for school. It’s possible that the actress’s plans were thwarted by the COVID pandemic, which made international travel (let alone adoptions) difficult for years.

According to more recent reports, Angelina appears to still be considering adding another child to her family via adoption.

A report made in June by New Idea says Angelina’s desire to adopt again is higher than ever now that her son Pax and daughter Zahara have also moved out. Moreover, it likely won’t be long until her second eldest daughter, Shiloh, 17, relocates for college, too.

“With Maddox and Pax off doing their own thing and Zahara away at college in Atlanta, she’s really suffering from empty-nest syndrome,” a source told the publication. “Angelina has been talking about adopting another child for over a year now,” they continued.

The same report says Angelina is looking at adopting a child from Jamaica, but it only remains speculation for now.

Angelina Is Still Fighting Brad For Custody Over Their Six Kids


One big reason Angelina may be holding off adopting again is because of the ongoing custody case she’s fighting against her ex-husband Brad Pitt. She’s been battling him in court for years to maintain full custody over their minor children.

In June, a report from Radar Online claimed the couple’s children have begged their parents to stop fighting, as the years-long custody battle has taken a toll on them. “Angelina doesn’t want to let her fight for sole custody go, but the children are growing up, and even they tell their mom it’s time to stop,” a source told the publication.

They added the kids are “fine” seeing Brad, despite Angelina’s hesitation. “Maybe the exception of Maddox, they all actually like him,” they added.

For now, Angelina’s custody battle as well as her adoption plans remains up in the air.