Jennifer Aniston and Miranda Kerr love this £150 facial gadget which is ‘better than botox’

The NuFACE Mini device uses microcurrents to tone, sculpt and anti-age your face

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NEEDLE-phobes, rejoice! There’s an A-list-approved facial gadget here to save the day – and it’ll cost you less money and pain than botox.

Celebs like Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Alba have spoken about their love for CurrentBody’s NuFACE Mini device, which uses microcurrent technology to sculpt and de-puff the facial contours.

 Miranda Kerr used the NuFACE device to sculpt her face in the run-up to her wedding day last year

Miranda Kerr used the NuFACE device to sculpt her face in the run-up to her wedding day last yearCredit: PA:Press Association

Miranda Kerr also mentioned the device in a wedding day prep video that she created last year for Vogue.

But what is the device, and how does it work?

CurrentBody’s product expert, Emily Buckwell, explains: “The NuFACE Mini is often referred to as the ‘five-minute face lift’, as users can always see results within just five minutes of their first use.

“The microcurrent in the gadget works to tone facial contours to the same level as it would in a professional treatment.”

The NuFACE has been clinically proven to improve facial contour within just one use – and uses exactly the same technology that dermatologists and aestheticians use.

It should be swiped along the jawline, neckline, forehead and cheekbones in upwards motions every day for 60 days to see maximum results.


 NuFACE has had major celebritry approval
NuFACE has had major celebritry approvalCredit: CurrentBody

The aim of the device is to smooth and tone the skin, while also strengthening the facial muscles to prevent future skin-sagging and wrinkles.

Jennifer Aniston has also said that she is a fan of microcurrent technology for keeping her skin looking youthful and radiant.

She told “If you don’t workout, eventually everything drops. Microcurrent facials are like little workouts for your face.”

 Jennifer Aniston uses microcurrent technology to fight off wrinkles

Jennifer Aniston uses microcurrent technology to fight off wrinklesCredit: Getty – Contributor
Jessica Alba also waxed lyrical about the product in an interview with Byrdie: “I love this device and attachment.

“I use a professional version of the device in my facials.

“The microcurrent technology helps improve facial contour, tone skin, and reduce wrinkles.”

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