And for the occasion, Kylie gave a subtle shoutout to her brother-in-law song “Never Grow Up.” And she added a cheeky nod to the media attention the Kelce family has garnered in the wake of the Kansas City Chiefs player’s romance with the Grammy winner.“If you’re gonna try to make a headline out of this,” the former collegiate field hockey player jokingly captioned her Dec. 5 post, “you better offer a suggestion of a better audio…
because there isn’t one.”And indeed the song off Speak Now is a fitting choice, with it’s chorus of, “Oh, darlin’, don’t you ever grow up / Don’t you ever grow up / Just stay this little” and “it could stay this simple,” which could be heard playing in the clip. It was a choice so perfect, that fans were enchanted by the song choice and video content in equal measure.
“Absolutely no better audio… her songs are the soundtrack of life,” one user commented, while another added, “You’re about to break the internet. This is precious!”After tying the knot in 2018, Kylie reflected on celebrating the wins in life alongside her now-husband.
“This off-season was my favorite yet,” she wrote in a social media post that July. “It was short but oh so sweet. I am so incredibly proud to call this man my husband, and I can’t wait to watch his hard work and dedication through a
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