Madonna has had quiet moments on the music scene recently.

A moment of weakness of the pop queen shook the entire Auckland stage, she expressed the pain of “losing” her child when her 15-year-old son Rocco refused the court’s decision and did not return to her family. mother but still chose to side with father Ritchie. Madonna shared: “It’s truly true, there is no stronger love than a mother’s love for her child. I want to dedicate this song to him, this is a love song for a man but I know that one day, he will also become like that.” She continued sobbing with regret, before performing La Vie En Rose : “I hope that somewhere, she will hear this song and know how much I miss it.”


It all started last December, when the court ruled that Rocca would return to be with his mother, but the boy refused, causing her extreme pain. The days and months that followed were a series of difficult times, but they did not make her lose hope of finding her beloved child again.

Madonna's family was still in love 

Madonna’s family was still in love

No matter what, no matter how depraved and bad she has been, to herself or to anyone, there is still a noble, tolerant heart of a mother. Always protect and give boundless love to your children. I just secretly hope that Rocco will soon open his heart and forgive in time so that it will not be too late for him to be indifferent to the love and grace that his mother has given him.
Rocco's son is now grown up and chooses to live with his father instead of his 'queen' mother Madonna. 

Rocco’s son is now grown up and chooses to live with his father instead of his ‘queen’ mother Madonna.