The chilling truth about selling souls to Satan in Hollywood and in the music industry

Katy Perry’s performance at the 2014 Grammys. Miley Cyrus’s performance at the 2013 MTV VMA,…what we witness here is a party about to take place because of the cult of Satan in Hollywood and in the music industry. music.

Times have changed. The Illuminati (a group of self-proclaimed followers of perfection) decided not to continue hiding their Satanic worship. And these are speculations.

First up is Madonna . Madonna is a Satan worshiper, Lucifer worshiper and Illuminati devotee, but her halftime shows say it all. What the American people witnessed was a ritual, a costume bearing the mark of Freemasonry and Luciferians. Madonna boldly put the inverted 5-pointed star symbol on the middle of her chest. The most stunning part of the outfit is the giant devil horn on her head, representing the pop queen’s worship of the god Baphomet. That horn has nothing to do with the Egyptian outfit Madonna is wearing, and Egyptians never wear anything like that on their heads.


With the success of Madonna’s show, the organizers decided to plan to invite Beyonce the following year. Queen Bee was influenced by her husband Jay-Z’s belief in worshiping Lucifer. Jay-Z likes to wear a hoodie with the words “Do as Thous Wilt” printed on it, a famous quote from “the world’s most depraved man” Aleister Crowley. Beyoncé makes the hand sign into an Illuminati pyramid symbol. Viewers see a grand ceremony behind her, fierce flames and dark power.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus , a one-time teen star, also entered a darker world. Some of the music industry’s most powerful figures told Miley, “Your days of being a cute, innocent, fresh-faced star are over. We have bigger plans for you now. Now you must become a woman. A sexy woman with a different pose. Do you think you can do it? One might even say it’s ‘vulgar’. Our designers have some skimpy outfits for you to wear, our musicians are ready to create some daring new songs for you, and our choreographers will teach you a few moves wild work. It’s time for you to enter a new phase in your career. do you agree? Good, let’s sign the contract…”

It’s called a deal with the devil. Even the most decadent Hollywood stars were frightened when watching Miley perform. Thanks to Miley, the whole world knows what the term “twerk” means. Miley dedicated the show to Lucifer. She tied her hair with two horns to symbolize the devil’s two horns and she pretended to have sex with her co-star right on stage.

Katy Perry

Next, we come to Katy Perry , a former teenage Gospel singer who grew up in a religious family. Then one day she got a call from Hollywood and they said, “Hey, we see you’re struggling. We can help you. In fact, we’re confident because of your obvious talent, we can take you straight to the top. However, you need to change your name and image. We need to start here and use a different style of music. You need to leave behind forever, all the ‘Christian things’ that you were raised with. Do you think you can do it, Katy?”

Katy Perry’s performance of “Dark Horse” at the 2014 Grammys is the explanation for her new image. The image of a strange black horse with fierce red eyes at the entrance to Denver airport was brought to the stage. Katy’s dress featured the red cross symbol of the Knights Templar. This performance continues to be a ritual for Satan. Fire, black cloak, broom handle, devil horns, all clearly shown. Katy’s parents admitted that they lost their daughter to Satan.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has openly flaunted her Illuminati symbol for many years. The eye of enlightenment, the image associated with the Illuminati pyramid is perhaps one of the most famous occult symbols in the world. Once on the show “Jimmy Kimmel Live”, Lady Gaga even exclaimed “I swear to Lucifer”.


Finally, there’s Rihanna . She had a few years of carefree, fun and innocent start-ups until she met Jay-Z and began to be influenced by this Satan-worshiping producer. Rihanna’s image, music and videos changed rapidly. Now she has become a follower of Satan. Rihanna once laughed and admitted in an interview that she was a “devil worshiper”.

Satanism has deeply influenced film and music, and now it continues to be ingrained in popular culture and young singers. They made it mainstream.