The Heartrending Truth: Doja Cat’s Bittersweet Journey of Never Meeting Her Biological Father

The Heartrending Truth: Doja Cat’s Bittersweet Journey of Never Meeting Her Biological Father


Doja Cat and Her Father: The Sad Reason They’ve Never Met

Doja Cat, the popular American singer and rapper, has always been open about the influence her family has had on her creativity. While her mother, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, played a crucial role in fostering her love for hip-hop, there’s another significant figure missing from her life – her biological father, Dumisani Dlamini. Despite both of them being involved in the music industry, Doja Cat and her father have never met in person.

Doja Cat bị hàng trăm nghìn người bỏ theo dõi sau phát ngôn không cần khán  giả

A Fatherless Childhood

Born in 1995 to Sawyer and Dlamini, whose real name is Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, Doja Cat has little to no memories of her father. In a 2019 interview with Radio One D.C., she revealed that her knowledge about him was limited to his status as a well-known performer. Although she expressed a desire to change this in the future, Doja Cat attempted to contact her father when she was just 13 years old, but unfortunately, it didn’t amount to much. During a conversation with Whoopi Goldberg, who starred alongside Dlamini in the film “Sarafina!” in 1992, Doja Cat playfully mentioned that while she hadn’t met him, Goldberg had.

The reasons behind their lack of connection have been a topic of discussion, with both Doja Cat and her father sharing their perspectives on the matter.

Blame and Miscommunication

Doja Cat has hinted that her father’s busy schedule could have contributed to their inability to meet. During the Radio One D.C. interview, she speculated that he was likely still involved in various projects. In another interview with Rolling Stone, Doja Cat mentioned that her mother always told her that her father was on tour. According to a friend close to the artist, this situation took a toll on Doja Cat, especially during her younger years when her father repeatedly failed to show up as promised.

However, Dlamini tells a different story. In an interview with a South African radio station, Metro FM, the performer accused American media of sensationalizing their relationship for publicity. He also claimed that his attempts to reach out to Doja Cat had been hindered by her management, suggesting that they were concerned she might prioritize her personal life over her career if they were to reconnect. Dlamini admitted that they had spoken before, but he also expressed his desire for Doja Cat to reconnect with her Zulu roots.

Doja Cat's Father Claps Back at Her Claim He Never Met Her

Support from Afar

Despite the complicated dynamics between them, both Doja Cat and Dlamini have shown support for each other’s professional endeavors. In several interviews, Doja Cat has praised her father’s talent, acknowledging his skills as an actor, composer, and dancer. She even discovered his talent as a rapper and producer through a YouTube video shown to her by her mother. Dlamini, on the other hand, has publicly expressed pride in his daughter’s success and achievements. On Instagram, he has shared numerous pictures and videos of Doja Cat and defended her against critics who had negative comments about her red-carpet looks. However, it’s clear that their relationship as father and daughter has yet to develop.

A Future Meeting?

The true extent of Doja Cat and Dumisani Dlamini’s relationship remains uncertain. In September 2023, South Africa’s Sunday World reported that Doja Cat was not present at her father’s wedding, but neither party confirmed whether she was invited in the first place. The absence of a comment from either side only adds to the mystery surrounding their relationship. It remains to be seen if and when they will finally meet in person, but both Doja Cat and Dlamini have left the door open for a potential future reunion.