The Painting That Brad Pitt Bought For His Son Pax Thien Will Leave You Speechless

The Painting That Brad Pitt Bought For His Son Pax Thien Will Leave You Speechless

Brad Pitt is said to have bought a portrait of singer Jutin Biber, painted by street artist Bambi, to give to his adopted Vietnamese son, Pax Thien, 10 years old.

Portrait paintingJustin Bieberon the wooden background, next to it is the name of a famous song “Rebel without a clue”.

“Pax Thienlike Justin and soBrad PittThink this would be the perfect gift for him.

Brad fell in love with Bambi’s unique style and bought her work three times. When he learned that Bambi drew Justin, Brad knew he would buy it for Pax Thien” – a source revealed on The Daily Star.

Brad Pitt andAngelina Joliehas 3 adopted children: Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh and Pax Thien, 3 biological children

Shiloh, twins Vivienne and Knox. In particular, Maddox is quite quiet and gentle while Pax Thien is mischievous and active.

Girls like Zahara and Vivienne are very charming “princesses”, but Shiloh is like a boy, likes to wear tomboyish clothes. Ignoring all the rumors surrounding their breakup and union, Angelina and Brad Pitt have been together for more than 10 years.

Recently, some sources said that Angelina and Brad will reunite in a movie written by Angelina herself. The film’s content revolves around the story of a couple who has many conflicts and sees a vacation as a last effort to save their marriage…

Currently, this Oscar-winning actress is in the post-production stage of the film Unbroken , which she directed. At the end of May, the movie Maleficent featuring her and her daughter will also begin premiering in the North American market.