50 Cent Just Got Steve Harvey CANCELED After Exposing This..

In the world of entertainment, feuds are as common as red carpets and award shows. One such feud that has been making headlines in recent months is the one between comedian Mo’Nique and media personalities Steve Harvey and Oprah Winfrey.

Mo’Nique claims that she was blacklisted in the industry after she refused to do free promotional work for the 2009 film “Precious,” which was directed by Lee Daniels and produced by Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry. Mo’Nique won an Academy Award for her role in the film, but she says that her career has been in a downward spiral ever since.

In 2019, Mo’Nique appeared on Steve Harvey’s talk show to discuss her claims of being blackballed. The conversation was heated, with Mo’Nique accusing Harvey of siding with Winfrey and failing to support her. Harvey, for his part, said that he believed Mo’Nique had made a mistake by not doing the promotional work.

The feud between Mo’Nique, Harvey, and Winfrey has taken another turn in recent weeks, with rapper 50 Cent entering the fray. 50 Cent has publicly defended Mo’Nique and accused Harvey of protecting Winfrey.

“Oprah can s*** my d***,” Mo’Nique said during a recent interview. “I wasn’t blackballed. I was white-balled by some black d***s, who have no balls,” she added.

It remains to be seen how this feud will play out. However, one thing is for sure: it’s a reminder of the dark side of Hollywood, where power and money can often trump talent and integrity.

Here are some additional details about the feud:

Mo’Nique has also accused Tyler Perry of being involved in her blacklisting.
Harvey has denied any wrongdoing and says that he has always supported Mo’Nique.
Winfrey has not commented on the feud publicly.

What do you think about the feud between Mo’Nique, Steve Harvey, and Oprah Winfrey?