Cardi B Fires Back At Nicki Minaj … Disses Her MOTHER!! (It’s BEEF Now)

Cardi B Fires Back At Nicki Minaj … Disses Her MOTHER!! (It’s BEEF Now)

Nicki Minaj yesterday gave the deal to all of her social media enemies, including her arch-rival Cardi B. Today, Cardi fired back at Nicki and made some snide comments about Nicki’s mother, Media Take Out has learned.

Nicki went on an unprecedented hitting mission yesterday, blasting Cardi B, Meg Thee Stallion and other female artists who Nicki believes have insulted the greatest female rapper in history.

For example, Cardi recently got infected with a woman on Twitter. The woman criticized Cardi’s recent cosmetic surgery. And as clapback, Cardi poked fun at the woman – whose home was recently destroyed in a fire.

Here’s the back-and-forth between Cardi and the woman:

Well, Nicki Minaj called Cardi out for her rather insensitive joke. However, Nicki clearly didn’t mention Cardi by name. Looks:

Nicki also did other sub-tweets aimed at Cardi — and this morning, Cardi had had enough. Media Take Out learned that Cardi then attacked not only Nicki but also her mother.

Cardi was asked what she thought of Nicki subtweeting her. And Cardi said if Nicki is too scared to @her in the tweets, then all the things Nicki talks about apply to Nicki’s mom.

Wow, that’s pretty tough. Looks:

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