Miley Cyrus Lashes Out at Justin Bieber’s Body-Shaming of Selena Gomez

In a recent turn of events, Miley Cyrus has expressed her disapproval of Justin Bieber fat-shaming Selena Gomez. The pop star took to social media to call out Bieber for his insensitive behavior towards his ex-girlfriend, emphasizing the detrimental effects of fat-shaming on a person’s mental and emotional well-being.

Cyrus, known for her outspoken nature, did not hold back in expressing her disappointment with Bieber’s actions. She questioned his motives behind such hurtful comments and urged him to consider the consequences of his words. The singer stressed the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy, particularly when it comes to sensitive topics like body image.

The issue arose when Bieber posted an old photo of him and Gomez on Instagram, accompanied by the caption “Feels” and a poll asking whether fans thought Gomez looked better with him or with her current partner, The Weeknd. In response, Bieber’s fans began commenting that Gomez had gained weight during her relationship with The Weeknd. The comments quickly spread across social media platforms, drawing widespread criticism for body-shaming Gomez.

Miley Cyrus Slams Justin Bieber For Fat-Shaming Selena Gomez - YouTube

Cyrus, who has also faced her fair share of public scrutiny, highlighted the damaging impact of fat-shaming, emphasizing that it can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. She called for a change in the way society treats individuals based on their appearance and urged everyone to embrace body positivity instead.

Supporters of Cyrus applauded her for speaking out against fat-shaming and standing up for Gomez. Many commended her for using her platform to raise awareness about the issue, hoping that it would encourage Bieber to apologize for his remarks.

While Bieber has yet to publicly respond to Cyrus’s criticism, it is clear that her message resonated with many. Body image has become an increasingly important topic of discussion in recent years, as society grapples with unrealistic beauty standards and the detrimental effects of body-shaming.


Ultimately, Miley Cyrus’s strong stance against fat-shaming and her support for Selena Gomez have shed light on a prevalent issue in society. Her message serves as a reminder that it is crucial to treat others with compassion and respect, regardless of their appearance. The incident also highlights the power of celebrities’ actions and words, as they can either perpetuate harmful attitudes or promote positivity and acceptance.