Nicki Minaj offers to pay more than £23,000 in college fees for fans on Twitter

The rapper told her 20 million followers she will pay for their university fees – but there’s a catch

US RAPPER Nicki Minaj has vowed she will pay some of her fans’ university tuition fees – if they can prove they have achieved straight A grades.

The 34-year-old star agreed to shell out thousands of dollars for uni expenses to 30 fans in a Twitter giveaway – and promised more in the future.

 Nicki Minaj agreed to pay uni tuition fees to fans on Twitter

Nicki Minaj agreed to pay uni tuition fees to fans on TwitterCredit: Rex Features

Minaj had been posting about a competition which gives fans the chance to meet her.

But when one of her 20 million Twitter followers asked if she would consider paying her tuition fees instead, the singer replied: “Show me straight A’s that I can verify with your school and I’ll pay it.

“Who wants to join THAT contest?!?! Dead serious. Should I set it up?”

 The rapper asked her fans to send her proof of their A grades before shelling out thousands of dollars on uni tuition fees

The rapper asked her fans to send her proof of their A grades before shelling out thousands of dollars on uni tuition feesCredit: Instagram

Show me straight A’s that I can verify w/ur school and I’ll pay it. Who wants to join THAT contest?!?!🤷🏽‍♀️ Dead serious. Shld I set it up?

— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) May 7, 2017

And YES! All countries are included. Ya muva makes enough money to fly members of #TheKingdom out from ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!! 😜😘🎀😍💋

— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) May 7, 2017

I’ll pay a cpl of them. Send ur bank info & ur contact

— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) May 7, 2017

Several more cash-strapped students then posted messages asking Minaj for help.

They detailed their financial troubles and some attached evidence of their grades and fees.

Most people asked for hundreds of dollars but one Twitter user named Josh requested £4,600 for his “16 credit classes, room & board, meal plan, technology fee & books that I would need for the classes”.

Minaj replied: “Ok. I’ll pay it. If you have proof.”

 Minaj forked out more than £23,000 in an hour and decided to call it a night

Minaj forked out more than £23,000 in an hour and decided to call it a nightCredit: Instagram

Ok u guys. It’s been fun. Let me make those payments tmrw then see if I have any money left😂. I’ll do some more in a month or 2. 😘😘😘💋💋💋💕💕🎀🎀🎀

— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) May 7, 2017

When she signed off she promised she would give more students a helping hand in the coming weeks.

The rapper tweeted adding a laughing face emoji: “Ok you guys. It’s been fun. Let me make those payments tomorrow then see if I have any money left.”

She added: “I’ll do some more in a month or two.”

The recent move comes after she sparked a backlash by releasing a music video filmed on Westminster Bridge three days before the terror attack that left five dead.