Shocking revelation: JT tells Cardi b to wipe her sad tears Is her career falling apart? Nicki supports JT.-be

JT consoles Cardi B, wiping away her tears as her career seems to be falling apart. Nicki Minaj stands in solidarity with JT, offering her support amidst the turmoil.



The feud between JT and Cardi B has been brewing, with JT dropping subtle hints on Twitter, hinting at Cardi’s struggles. Cardi, facing criticism and speculation about her relevance in the industry, has been vocal on social media, expressing her frustrations.

However, amidst the chaos, JT stands by Cardi, dismissing Cardi’s detractors and reaffirming her talent. JT asserts herself as the next princess of rap, while Nicki Minaj lends her voice to the chorus of support. Despite the drama, JT and Cardi B find strength in each other, forging a bond that transcends the petty feuds of the industry.