What Cardi B did when she saw some black women being rejected from the club (video)

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Cardi B is known for her outspokenness and her fierce loyalty to her fans. She is also not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means confronting authority figures.

That’s what happened on a recent night when she went to a nightclub in Los Angeles with her friends. She was shocked to see that the doorman was denying entry to several black women who were waiting in line, while letting in white women with no problem.

Cardi B was outraged by this blatant discrimination and decided to take action.

She approached the doorman and demanded to know why he was not letting in the black women. The doorman tried to brush her off, saying that the club was full and that he had to follow the rules.

Cardi B was not buying it. She accused him of being racist and sexist, and said that he was violating the civil rights of the women.

She also threatened to expose him on social media and to sue him and the club for damages. She said that she would not enter the club unless he let in the black women as well.

The doorman was intimidated by Cardi B’s fierce attitude and her celebrity status. He knew that she had a lot of influence and that she could cause a lot of trouble for him and the club.

He also realized that he was being caught on camera by some of the bystanders who were watching the scene.

He decided to back down and let in the black women, hoping to avoid further confrontation. Cardi B cheered and hugged the women, who thanked her for standing up for them.

She then entered the club with her friends, while the doorman looked embarrassed and ashamed.

The video of the incident went viral on the internet, and Cardi B was praised for her courage and her activism.

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