Josh Giddey Livv Cook age: What is the age of consent in Oklahoma and Australia?

Controversy swirls around allegations of relationship between Thunder’s Josh Giddey and high schooler Liv Cook, sparking concern over age gap and moral implications amid varying consent laws

Image Courtesy: Twitter

Trigger Warning: This article contains references to an individual having alleged sexual relations with a minor.

Accusations are circulating that Josh Giddey, an Oklahoma City Thunder player, is in a relationship with a minor, reportedly a high school student named, Liv Cook.

A viral video purported Liv Cook confessing her involvement with Giddey, causing shock and criticism among fans.

Both the NBA community and the general public have voiced disappointment and worry in response to these allegations.

Key points of contention include the age difference between 21-year-old Giddey and Liv Cook, who is believed to be 15 or 16.

Oklahoma State law sets the age of consent at 16, which is questionable to many people.

Despite this legally provided age, it does not necessarily impart moral approval for relationships between adults and 16 or 17-year-old teenagers.

A majority of states, as well as other countries, establish the age of consent at 18.

Legal concerns regarding Josh Giddey’s age and potential charges

The situation in Oklahoma diverges, as they maintain an exception for marriage, consenting sexual relations allowed between an adult and a minor if they’re married.

The issue that could seriously jeopardize Josh Giddey’s career lies in the potential statutory r**ap**e c**harg**es if the girl proves to be only 15 years old.

Based on the statutes of Oklahoma, a second-degree r**ap**e c**harg**e would be applicable if a minor aged 14 or 15 had consensual sex with a person older than 18.

A sentence between one and 15 years in prison awaits the offender if found guilty of these charges. The priority now should be to determine when the pictures with Giddey were taken by all parties involved.

Moreover, it’s crucial to ascertain the girl’s real age which she herself confuses in her TikTok account with a caption reading #imoverage21 on one video.

Interestingly, Giddey hails from Australia where the age of consent is 16. As for any responses from the Oklahoma City Thunder or Josh Giddey, we promise to keep you informed.

Age of consent laws across the United States

In the United States, different states have varying legal ages of consent, usually between 16 and 18 years old. Each state sets the age of consent at 16, 17, or 18 years.

Certain states utilize a tiered system that adjusts the age of consent based on the age gap between the individuals involved. Here is a list of states and their respective age of consent:

– Alabama: 16
– Alaska: 16
– Arizona: 18
– Arkansas: 16
– California: 18
– Colorado: 17
– Connecticut: 16
– Delaware: 18
– Florida: 18
– Georgia: 16
– Hawaii: 16
– Idaho: 18
– Illinois: 16
– Kansas: 16
– Kentucky: 18
– Louisiana: 15
– Maine: 16
– Massachusetts: 16
– Michigan: 16
– Minnesota: 16
– Missouri: 17
– Montana: 16
– New Hampshire: 16
– New Jersey: 17
– New York: 17
– North Carolina: 16
– North Dakota: 18
– Ohio: 16
– Oklahoma: 16
– Oregon: 18
– Pennsylvania: 16
– Rhode Island: 16
– South Carolina: 16
– Tennessee: 18
– Texas: 17 (Romeo and Juliet law)
– Utah: 18
– Vermont: 16
– Virginia: 18
– West Virginia: 16
– Wisconsin: 18
– Wyoming: 18

Please note that these ages are subject to change, and it is essential to check your state’s specific laws to ensure you are fully informed.