NBA – “After a game, Justin Bieber came to my house to…

Famous artist Justin Bieber (left) and NBA legend Carmelo Anthony (right), here in the colors of the New York Knicks

A basketball fan since his early childhood, Justin Bieber has naturally become close to certain stars of the league over the years. His long-standing friendship with one of them gave rise to an anecdote as epic as it is lunar.

Given the close relationship between the NBA and the world of music, it is not surprising that figures from the two sectors maintain a certain proximity. Justin Bieber is one of the great artists who are highly appreciated across the league. In addition to his improbable collaboration with an astonishing player , the famous Canadian singer, for example, quickly became friends with Kevin Durant… and Tyson Chandler:

Tyson Chandler’s incredible story about Justin Bieber

If he did not leave an indelible mark in the history of the league, Chandler nevertheless marked the 2010s in his own way. Crowned champion in 2011 with Dallas, he was subsequently named All-Star during his stay to the Knicks. It was also during this period that he met Justin Bieber the most and played a big role in his life. In the All The Smoke podcast , he reveals that he was approached… for his baptism:

At the time, I was living in New York and playing for the Knicks. I had already been friends with Justin for a few years. After a match, he contacted me to meet at my place. He was coming out of a difficult period and when I joined him at my apartment, he had brought a pastor with him. We were all there relaxing and Justin ended up saying that he had come to my house to get baptized that evening.

A confusing program to say the least that Chandler obviously didn’t expect. Despite this, the former center made sure to honor his guest’s request, even if it meant lending him his bathtub for the occasion:

I lived in a high-rise so I called the guy who had the key to the gym so we could get access to the pool there. In the end, he never answered but the pastor said we could use my bathtub. So, I let them use it. That’s how he was baptized.

When it comes to an incredible anecdote involving a star of the music industry and the NBA, it’s hard to do better. Chandler’s doesn’t stop there, since Bieber would have left him with a funny memory of this crazy evening:

He forgot his underwear in my daughter’s room.

Failing to give any news about Justin Bieber or to reveal whether their friendship has survived the impact of time, Tyson Chandler affirms that he made possible… his baptism. And even his star teammate at the time, Carmelo Anthony, cannot boast of that!