NBA – Beaten by a rookie, Klay Thompson worries: “I can’t even imagine…

NBA – Beaten by a rookie, Klay Thompson worries:
“I can’t even imagine…

Klay Thompson lors d'un entrainement des Warriors

Klay Thompson is on an undeniable decline this season for the Warriors. Fans are worried about his lack of skill, but also his defense. It was eaten by a rookie in training, and the video does not reassure the famous Dub Nation.

If you should never bury a great team, the Warriors dynasty seems well and truly over. Behind the record of 10 wins for 12 losses lies a truth that is obvious during their matches: Stephen Curry is far too alone to hope to win a new ring with his historic teammates. Although he remains at the top, they are starting to suffer the effects of age.

And because Draymond Green has never been a reliable solution to scoring, it is Klay Thompson who is at the center of all the criticism this season. He has never scored so little since his rookie season (15.8 points on average), and he has never been so clumsy behind the arc…

If we add to that a sometimes questionable defense, we get a lieutenant in crisis. And it’s not this viral video of him training that’s going to change things.

Klay Thompson beaten in 1v1 by a Warriors rookie

In this video, Warriors rookie Brandin Podziemski doesn’t make a lightning start, doesn’t seem to attack with crazy determination, and yet, he gets rid of Klay Thompson quite easily.

A video that worries fans and it’s quite logical, when we know that the Splash Bro has long been considered a defensive monster.

Between mockery and understanding, the reactions were mixed:

I can barely imagine what Jordan Poole was doing to Klay in 2022 😹😹

Klay defends well on wingers and power forwards now, even if you want to criticize him. He should no longer be alone in 1v1 with rears.

It’s sad, Podz has no explosiveness and he still beats Klay on his dribble 🤣🤣 Klay is finished

At almost 34 years old and after several major injuries, Klay Thompson is no longer necessarily the defender of his younger years. And it is even more visible when he is opposed to much more mobile backs.