Taylor Lautner feels excited when people call her “the best ex” of Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner's Relationship: A Look Back

Taylor Lautner Wishes He Could Change One Thing About His Relationship With Taylor  Swift | Glamour


In an exclusive interview with People yesterday, Taylor Lautner revealed that he enjoyed being called Taylor Swift’s “best ex”:


“That name sounds like a compliment. So I’ll probably accept it.” – Taylor said.

Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner's Relationship: A Look Back

Taylor Swift đâu chỉ toàn nói xấu bạn trai cũ, cô cũng từng hạ mình vì một  mối tình đẹp

Taylor Lautner also shared that his wife Taylor Lautner is also a swiftie: “She told me I was the only ex that Taylor Swift didn’t write a d*ss song about. So I will take the title “best ex” as always, no complaints at all” – Taylor added.

Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner Relationship Explained, Timeline

Reported new couple Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner head home after  enjoying a day together. Earlier, the two shopped at Alice + Olivia before  ending the day with a romantic dinner for