Jeremy Renner is accused of insulting Reno family after he began dating their ex-con daughter – sending her ‘d**k pics’ and later calling her mom and aunt ‘f**king idiots’ when he invited them to his Lake Tahoe mansion

Avengers star Jeremy Renner has been accused of insulting a Reno family after striking up a relationship with their felon daughter, sending her ‘d**k pics’, and allegedly calling her mother and aunt ‘f**king idiots’.

Renner, 52, began a romantic relationship with Reno hairdresser Amber Monson, 34, after meeting her in a local club in August, her family told

Monson is a colorful figure who has had several run-ins with the law – including stealing a government car and taking it on a high-speed chase near schools in 2021, according to local news reports.

Her brother, Jason Nelms, says Renner met Monson at a Reno club in August, and the two began dating. He said Renner even sent Monson ‘d**k pics’ – which she then showed to her mother and aunt.

Jeremy Renner, pictured in November, is accused of insulting the family of a woman he began dating last summer when he invited them to his home

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Jeremy Renner, pictured in November, is accused of insulting the family of a woman he began dating last summer when he invited them to his home

The actor met Amber Monson, 34, a Reno-based hairdresser who has had several run-ins with the law
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Amber Monson in her mugshot
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The actor met Amber Monson, 34, a Reno-based hairdresser who has had several run-ins with the law, and the relationship went from purely sexual to more romantic just before the holidays, according to her family

Nelms, 40, told that the relationship went from purely sexual to more romantic after the Hurt Locker actor started video chatting with Monson and her family in recent months.

However, things soured at a gathering to celebrate his new Christmas album in November, Nelms said.

He told that Renner invited Monson, her mother and friends to his $2.6million Lake Tahoe mansion where they were to meet the actor’s daughter and parents.

But when they struggled to find the entrance hidden on a Mount Rose back road, he called them ‘f**king idiots’ on the phone, and refused to come out to meet them at the entrance, they claimed.

When the family finally arrived, Nelms said, Renner appeared intoxicated and was rude to them, refusing to shake hands.

‘It’s kind of out in the boonies where he lives,’ Nelms told ‘They’re trying to drive out there and they’re lost, they don’t know where it’s at. It’s dark, the roads are icy and bad.

‘They’re calling him up just trying to figure out where he’s at. And at one point he’s like, ”What are you guys, f**king idiots? Do you not have a brain between the three of you?”

‘Nasty s**t like that. They said, ”At least come out to the driveway so we can see where you’re at.” He said ”No, I’m in my socks, you’re messing up my chill.”

Monson and Renner would 'video chat' frequently and shared her messages with The Avengers star with her family
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Monson and Renner would ‘video chat’ frequently and shared her messages with The Avengers star with her family

Nelms said Renner sent his nephew outside and the family finally found the house and went inside.

‘My family’s standing back, and he’s really coming off as a d**k. He was real cold to them. It was like, ‘bow down’.

‘The whole thing was uncomfortable,’ Nelms told

‘My mom’s friend, she went up to him to try to shake his hand, and he just looked at her like who the f**k are you?

‘My mom told him he was wasted and being an a**hole.

‘They decided to leave. They were outside, getting ready to go in the vehicle, when Renner’s nephew comes out and says, ”Hey, all this will go away if you just apologize.”

‘My mom was like, ”Apologize? You want us to apologize? Seriously?”

‘He’s treated him like s**t, called them f**king idiots, then expects them to apologize like they’re the ones in the wrong, because he’s King Renner and you’re supposed to bow down to him.’

Monson and Nelms’s mother, Tracy Overholt, 58, confirmed the story but declined to comment further.

Nelms took to X, formerly Twitter, last month, calling Renner out publicly, calling him a ‘scumbag’, ‘fake as hell’ and a ‘munchkin’ – a dig at his reported 5’8′ height.

Monson’s younger brother, 25-year-old Dillon Overholt, told that he was present for some of his sister’s video chats with Renner.

Renner invited Monson's family to his property in Mount Rose, Nevada ¿ midway between Reno and Lake Tahoe ¿ but insulted them when they needed help finding the home during their visit in November, Nelms said
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Renner invited Monson’s family to his property in Mount Rose, Nevada – midway between Reno and Lake Tahoe – but insulted them when they needed help finding the home during their visit in November, Nelms said

Nelms took to X, formerly Twitter, last month, to call Renner out publicly for his behavior towards his family
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Nelms took to X, formerly Twitter, last month, to call Renner out publicly for his behavior towards his family

‘They met downtown in Reno,’ he said. ‘They video chatted all the time.

‘One text from him says ‘I’ll come get you lover’ with a heart, so yeah I’d say they were romantically involved.’

Dillon said his whole family was ‘livid’ at the way Renner allegedly treated them.

‘He was super rude the whole time, he didn’t get off the couch. It took him 10 minutes to get up and shake people’s hands,’ he said.

‘If I was going to invite anybody over I would be humble and welcoming. Not acting like I’m a celebrity and you’re just local people from Reno.’

On Instagram, Monson describes herself as a ‘Professional hair & make-up artist in Reno, NV, Proud mother to an amazing Son.’ She shares a son with her estranged husband, who has custody of the boy, according to her family.

She declined to comment when contacted by

Dillon said his half-sister had a ‘rough childhood’, her father died, and that she had struggled with addiction.

‘She was dealt a bad hand in life. She’s definitely had some bad times with drugs and stuff like that,’ he said.

On Instagram , Monson describes herself as a 'Professional hair & make-up artist in Reno, NV, Proud mother to an amazing Son'
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On Instagram , Monson describes herself as a ‘Professional hair & make-up artist in Reno, NV, Proud mother to an amazing Son.’

Monson has had several run-ins with the law and was recently arrested on  December 13 for violating her probation, according to Washoe County Sheriff's records
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Monson has had several run-ins with the law and was recently arrested on  December 13 for violating her probation, according to Washoe County Sheriff’s records

An April 2021 report by local station Channel 2 News says Monson took a state-owned car, sped at 70mph through Carson, Nevada, smashed into police cars, and led sheriff’s deputies on a chase through a school zone.

The report said a total of eight cars were damaged, including one driven by a parent loading children from into the vehicle.

A Carson City District Court clerk told that Monson pleaded guilty to four felonies: eluding police, battery with use of a deadly weapon, assault with use of a deadly weapon, and possession of a stolen vehicle.

She was sentenced to between 24 and 60 months in prison, the clerk said.

Monson is also currently on probation, and was arrested on December 13 for violating it, according to Washoe County Sheriff’s records, but has since been released.

Nelms said she had been failing to show up for work and her probation officer caught her.

Renner, meanwhile, recently took to Instagram on New Year’s Day – exactly one year after his nearly fatal accident when he was pulled under a seven-ton snowplow at his Lake Tahoe property – to praise his daughter for helping him through recovery.

Exactly one year after he was nearly crushed to death by a snowplow, Jeremy Renner  shared an emotional Instagram post revealing his 10-year-old daughter Ava is 'reason number one' he survived
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Exactly one year after he was nearly crushed to death by a snowplow, Jeremy Renner  shared an emotional Instagram post revealing his 10-year-old daughter Ava is ‘reason number one’ he survived

Renner had his chest crushed and his upper torso had collapsed when he was pulled under a seven-ton snowplow at his Lake Tahoe property just hours after the new year rang in
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Renner had his chest crushed and his upper torso had collapsed when he was pulled under a seven-ton snowplow at his Lake Tahoe property just hours after the new year rang in

He also shared a video he and his daughter made that features the song Wait from his upcoming EP Love and Titanium, which debuts January 19.

The post includes a photo of Renner hugging his daughter on New Year’s Eve, as she wears a Happy New Year 2024 tiara.

‘Reason number One for my recovery is her. I asked her to “wait for me” when I first saw her January 14 as I arrived home,’ Renner began.

‘As I got better, she got better, less afraid. There is simply no better motivator to recover than to heal your family and friends,’ he added.

‘With gratitude always , thank you all for your love and support this last full year. I needed every ounce of goodwill and prayer,’ he said to his 21.2 million followers.

‘Hope you enjoy the video we made from the “Love and Titanium” EP set to release Jan 19th,’ he concluded.