Rihanna Was Stunned When Graham Norton Called Her Out On This Bad Habit

Rihanna was put in the hot seat when Graham Norton revealed photographic proof of a very bad (and possibly illegal) habit.

Rihanna is a multi-talented singer and businesswoman known for her charismatic presence and personality. As a businesswoman, Rihanna has built an empire worth billions of dollars from her brand and music. Therefore, it is natural for her to have some quirks or habits that people would find endearing or just make her look out of the world. She is an A-list celebrity after all.

However, show host Graham Norton called out Rihanna for a bad habit paparazzi have caught on camera over and over again. Rihanna’s bewildered expression was a surprise, but she had a perfectly good explanation for her bad habit.

Rihanna Was Stunned Graham Norton Called Her Out For ‘Stealing’ Wine Glasses
Rihanna did not seem to be expecting a full-on wine glass investigation on Graham Norton


While promoting Ocean’s 8 with some of her co-stars on The Graham Norton Show, Rihanna was called out for “stealing” wine glasses from restaurants and clubs.

Show host Graham Norton humorously pointed out Rihanna’s bad habit, going as far as to call her a ‘criminal,’ and asking her to explain her actions.

“Now I’m not suggesting that any of you are actual criminals. All I’m saying is, watch yourself around Rihanna,” Graham stated.

“Now Rihanna, I don’t know if you know how criminal you are,” he asked. Graham then proceeds to show different photos of Rihanna leaving public places with a glass in hand.

“Did you ask permission from the club when you left holding this glass?” Graham continued to show Rihanna photos of her leaving clubs, restaurants, and hotels with a glass of wine half-filled with her, highlighting her bad habit.

Rihanna tried to explain the context behind the paparazzi photos of her leaving with wine glasses, but Graham talked over her as he imagined what the establishments and waiters would have thought after she left.

“Sometimes you don’t even steal the glass, just the bottle,” Graham retorted at an image of Rihanna leaving a restaurant with a bottle of champagne.

In Rihanna’s defense, she did bring her own glasses to these places, and she happens to just be seen leaving with them. And she did return one glass to the hotel she took it from.

Nonetheless, throughout Graham’s inquiry, Rihanna had a caught-in-the-act stunned look with no quick wit, just her perplexed expression, not having any idea how to respond to Norton’s questions. The exasperated Rihanna can only say, ‘My mum is going to see this,’ to Graham Norton.

Even though Rihanna is known for her clapbacks and quick wit, she seemed wholly unprepared to address Graham’s accusations.
Does Rihanna Have A Specific Reason For Carrying Her Own Wine Glasses?
Most fans supported Rihanna, suggesting she is protecting herself
The video showed Rihanna in a less-than-flattering light, according to some fans, but others also note the “Diamond” singer did not have much to say to defend herself.

A commenter wrote, “Love how she tries to justify it but then just gives up.”

Another fan wrote, “Carrying her own cup and bottle around is very intentional. Watch out for yourselves people.” explaining why Rihanna takes her own glasses to public places.

“I know it’s all in good fun, but it’s kind of alarming that she obviously keeps one glass on her. It almost comes off like a safety measure, but maybe I’m reading into it too closely,” another fan showed concern about her having to have a wine glass with her when outside.

Another comment was worried about the singer, stating how she looked anxious when Graham called her a criminal. “She looked like she was a little worried he would say something actually mean, but Graham would never,” the poster wrote.

A fan was worried there could be underlying issues, like her dealing with alcoholism. “Rihanna, seems she’s only comfortable when drinking. Hope she’s not an alcoholic. It’s not just her prop, it’s her coping mechanism,” the fan wrote.

In all, the fan reaction was her being unapologetically herself. Rihanna may be accused of being mean because of her savage replies, but her fans feel her candidness through her actions.