Elon Musk ‘doesn’t do drugs, he can’t even stomach a beer & even refused vaccines for Japan vacation as a kid’ dad says

ELON Musk’s dad has lashed out at claims that the tech tycoon abuses drugs – and revealed that he even refused to take a vaccine as a kid.

The world’s richest man was recently hit by accusations that he has been using substances including cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, and ketamine.

Elon Musk's father has blasted claims that the SpaceX CEO uses drugs

Elon Musk’s father has blasted claims that the SpaceX CEO uses drugsCredit: Reuters

Errol Musk said the claims were made by 'losers and baddies'

Errol Musk said the claims were made by ‘losers and baddies’Credit: AFP
Elon, 52, left SpaceX executives concerned after he slurred his words at an all-hands meeting, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal earlier this month.

Any illicit drug use could put at risk nearly $1 trillion in assets held by SpaceX investors, tens of thousands of jobs, and “large parts” of the U.S. space program, according to the outlet.

The report came after another piece by The New Yorker magazine in September linked Elon’s “erratic behavior to efforts to self-medicate.”

The Tesla CEO also landed himself in hot water when he appeared to smoke weed on Joe Rogan’s podcast in 2018.

Speaking from his home in South Africa, Elon’s dad, Errol, furiously trashed the recent drug claims and blamed them on “losers and baddies.”

The retired electromechanical engineer, 77, said, “Elon on drugs, what a hilarious joke. When it snows in the Sahara maybe.

“Elon doesn’t need drugs, as does no one else in this family. Elon could not even stomach a beer at age 22.

“Clearly, the idea of the losers and baddies is to try and harm Elon in the media.

“What I see is a concerted, determined, evil intention to get people to think Elon takes or has taken drugs.

“One should expect no less from his enemies but they will fail in this.”

Elon himself fired back at the report in the WSJ the day after its publication.

He said that “not even trace quantities” of drugs or alcohol had been found in his system during three years of random testing mandated by NASA following the Rogan episode.

Meanwhile, his lawyer said the description of the all-hands meeting was “false as has been confirmed by countless people who were present.”

Echoing those denials, Errol added, “There is absolutely no way Elon would take any narcotic.

“That includes smoking and drinking, other than social drinking, such as a glass of wine or maybe a whiskey and soda, but I doubt that.”

Errol pointed to one episode 41 years ago which he says shows how adverse Elon has always been to putting any substance in his body.

He said, “Even if he is given regular medication for, say, an infection or something, he is very uncooperative.

“When he was a boy, we all went on a trip to Japan because Elon refused point blank to get a required inoculation. He physically fought us off.”

Errol said the incident happened while he, Elon, his younger brother Kimbal, and his sister Tosca were traveling from Hong Kong to Japan while he was on a business trip.

He believes that the Japanese authorities were demanding an inoculation against yellow fever.

“The kids crossed over with me but Elon refused to take the injection, so we canceled Japan,” Errol said.

Errol also said that when he was reunited with his son at a SpaceX launch in November, as exclusively revealed by The U.S. Sun, the only drinking that took place was “social.”

He explained, “I had several cans of beer thrust on me by well-meaning individuals, but I never finished even one.

“As was usual in the past, interesting topics were discussed. This is the way of academics.

“No drunks, no filthy language, no smoking, and so on. Just stuff you should write down in your notebook.”

Errol has previously told The U.S. Sun that during the visit, he met Elon’s 3-year-old son X Æ A-12 for the first time.

He was introduced to Shivon Zilis, who is a director at Elon’s Neuralink firm, and 1-year-old twins, Strider and Azure, who she shares with Elon.

Pointing to the presence of the kids, he said, “So no mindless, aggressive drunkenness, continual foul language or dirty cigarette smoke.”

Errol said that his son even refused to take a vaccine when he was a child, which canceled a family trip

Errol said that his son even refused to take a vaccine when he was a child, which canceled a family tripCredit: Errol Musk

The father and son reunited at a SpaceX even where Errol says they drank socially

The father and son reunited at a SpaceX even where Errol says they drank sociallyCredit: Getty