ROBO WOES ‘Shouldn’t demonize it’ Elon Musk makes bold EV statement after Tesla controversy when ‘robot attacked factory worker’

ELON Musk has made a shocking statement regarding his views on his electric vehicles shortly after his recent robot controversy.

Elon Musk boldly claimed at Italy’s Prime Minister’s right-wing political festival that climate change is not a big issue.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed that the environmental movement has gone too far

Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed that the environmental movement has gone too farCredit: AFP

A 2021 incident report revealed a worker at the Tesla factory was attacked by a robot

A 2021 incident report revealed a worker at the Tesla factory was attacked by a robotCredit: AFP

“Climate change alarm is exaggerated in the short term,” Musk said, according to Reuters.

He said that he believes the environmental movement has gone too far and caused people to lose hope in the future.

“We should not demonize oil and gas in the medium term,” he said.

However, he would later contradict himself, calling himself an environmentalist and adding that he still believes that industries should reduce their carbon footprint.

Musk’s company has been under fire recently after a 2021 injury report resurfaced that detailed a robot attacking one of his employees.

Two people witnessed the ordeal, according to the report.

An employee programming software in a Tesla factory on two disabled robots was grabbed and torn into by a machine designed to move freshly casted aluminum car parts.

The machine clawed into the worker’s back and arm, which reportedly left a “trail of blood” on the factory floor.

Once two people saw the attack, they hit the machine’s stop button.

A witness described how the injured worker then fell “a couple of feet down a chute designed to collect scrap aluminum, leaving a trail of blood behind him.”

Despite the news gaining traction, Musk has yet to make a direct comment on the incident.

Instead, he began retweeting cryptic posts on X, formerly known as Twitter, that could relate to the controversy surrounding the factory attack.

“We need to cancel cancel culture. We should be about building others up rather than tearing people down for a moment in the sun,” reads the post by Tesla Owners Silicon Valley.

The post continues to explain the flaws of cancel culture.

“People always show who their true colors are. Just let them show you who they are by their actions,” it went on.

“What’s insane is people who attack or try to bring down others serving a community and helping others.”