(C) Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are AGAIN seen going through the McDonald’s drive-thru in Los Angeles as they grab a quick breakfast

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have been spotted at McDonald’s yet again, swinging by the drive-thru for a quick breakfast.

Ben has evidently developed a yen for the fast-food chain, to the point he and Jennifer were seen in October grabbing McDonald’s four times in two weeks.

Although J-Lo typically maintains a healthy diet to keep her chiseled dancer’s body in shape, she has been by his side for several of his trips to the golden arches.

Jennifer often confines herself to a studiously healthy diet, her trainer Tracy Anderson informed People a few years ago.

‘I have her eating very clean because she needs really good fuel for all the things that she’s doing. It’s all organic and it’s all very well thought out, with the balance of very high quality proteins and a lot of nutrient-dense food,’ said Tracy.

Everything is fresh. There’s nothing processed – just [protein powder] in a shake if we do a protein shake one day,’ added the Hollywood fitness guru.

Tracy clarified that J-Lo ‘is a very balanced person’ who will not ‘miss out on Thanksgiving or a holiday with her children’ by being overly restrictive with food.