Jennifer Lopez tells How many Times a Day she fights with Ben Affleck…

When asked about the frequency of their arguments, Lopez revealed that they have their fair share of disagreements on a daily basis. “We’re both strong-willed individuals, so it’s not uncommon for us to clash from time to time,” she admitted. “But we always find a way to work through our differences and come out stronger on the other side.”

Jennifer Lopez, the renowned singer, actress, and entrepreneur, has never been one to shy away from discussing her personal life, especially when it comes to her relationship with Ben Affleck. In a candid interview, Lopez provided insights into the dynamics of her relationship with Affleck, including the frequency of their arguments.

According to Lopez, she and Affleck are no strangers to disagreements, like any other couple. However, rather than seeing arguments as a sign of trouble, Lopez views them as a natural part of any relationship. “Ben and I are both passionate individuals, and we don’t always see eye to eye,” she explained. “But at the end of the day, we love each other deeply, and that’s what matters most.”

Despite the occasional arguments, Lopez emphasized that she and Affleck have a strong foundation built on trust, respect, and mutual admiration. “Our relationship is built on honesty and open communication,” she said. “We’re not afraid to speak our minds and address any issues that arise.”

Lopez’s candid revelations shed light on the realities of maintaining a healthy relationship in the spotlight. While she and Affleck may have their ups and downs like any other couple, their commitment to each other remains unwavering.