(TC) Rachel McAdams’ High-Stakes Gamble: The Dark Horse for ‘True Detective’ Season 2!

Nic Pizzolatto’s critically-acclaimed crime drama series True Detective is headed to California for its second season; in addition to featuring a different setting (a ways from the gloomy vision of the Southern U.S. in season one), the upcoming season will follow a whole new collection of crime-investigating and, no doubt, existentially-troubled and complicated characters.

True Detective season two will also reflect the vision of a different filmmaker, as season one helmsman Cary Fukunaga won’t be calling the shots this time. Fukunage directed every episode of True Detective season one, but we’ve been hearing for a while now that season two will be brought to life by multiple helmsman – “three or four” being the plan, according to HBO Programming Director Michael Lombardo – and Deadline is reporting that one of them may be Justin Lin, who is best known for directing four of the six Fast and the Furious movies released to date.

Justin Lin and Vin Diesel on the Fast Five set
Justin Lin and Vin Diesel on the ‘Fast Five’ set

Pizzolatto’s storyline for the next installment of True Detective reportedly involves an investigation into the murder of a California small town mayor, which then sheds light on the illicit dealings and dark secrets lurking beneath the surface of a public campaign to connect the state’s northern and southern regions with a high-speed railway. Talks are ongoing between Lin and HBO, but Deadline‘s article mentions that the plan is for him to direct “at least the first two episodes” of True Detective‘s second season (before he starts production on Bourne 5 next year, that is).

Lin, at first glance, might not seem like an obvious choice to work on True Detective – a series thus far known for being far more atmospheric and brooding than most of the films Lin has made to date. However, not only has Lin worked on television before (he directed a few episodes of Community, including season one’s paintball episode), but he would most likely establish a distinct color palate and visual style for the remainder of True Detective‘s second season – one that could not only be quite fitting for the anthology series’ portrayal of California, but also offer all the (appropriately) greater contrast to season one’s visual template.

Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson in True Detective
‘True Detective’ – Nominations include Best Mini-Series, Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actress

The proposed cast for True Detective season two, similar to the choice of Lin as the director to get the ball rolling, seems more befitting of the California backdrop – much like Matthew McConaughey and Wood Harrelson slid easily into the roles of two cops from the South in season one. No casting choices have been officially confirmed yet, but Colin Farrell and Taylor Kitsch are said to be in final talks to play two of the three protagonists for this season, while Vince Vaughn is apparently up to play one of the main antagonists (not, per se, ‘the big killer’ though).

Meanwhile, Variety is reporting that two of the top candidates for the third protagonist role – a California city sheriff with a troubled past (who also happens to be the female lead on True Detective season two) – are Elisabeth Moss and Rachel McAdams. It’s possible that there are other candidates still in consideration, but by this point these two are probably the front-runners.

Rachel McAdams in the running for True Detective season 2
Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler in ‘Sherlock Holmes’

We’d heard before that Moss (or, as you may know her, Peggy Olson on Mad Men) is circling the remaining lead role for True Detective season two, but this is the first time McAdams’ name has entered the conversation as a serious contender. McAdams, who’s know for roles in such films as Mean GirlsThe Notebook, Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes movies and, more recently, About Time and A Most Wanted Man, is very much on the same level of acting talent as everyone else lined up for the next round of detective work in Pizzolatto’s True Detective universe.

That is to say, if the race is down to either Moss or McAdams, it’s a win-win situation… though, if it does end up being McAdams, that’ll make True Detective season two a most unexpected Wedding Crashers reunion (both she and Vaughn starred in that hit comedy). That about sums up the selection process of talent for True Detective‘s sophomore season in general – full of surprise choices that are nonetheless intriguing and make this new installment sound all the more promising for it.