(TC) Rachel McAdams Sparks Hollywood Buzz: Explosive Negotiations for Cameron Crowe’s Latest Masterpiece!

Almost Famous director Cameron Crowe has had a film project called Deep Tiki in development at Sony Pictures for almost five years now. In its original incarnation it was a Ben Stiller/Reese Witherspoon romantic comedy about a weapons consultant who suffers career exile to a lowly military base in Hawaii, where he begins to examine his own past relationships in the context of his new and strange environment.

News on Deep Tiki went quiet for a very long time, until last summer, when it was reported that the script had undergone a rewrite and was back in production.

It’s currently unclear whether Crowe’s forthcoming project is still a version of Deep Tiki, or whether it’s something new entirely – but they’re definitely not calling it Deep Tiki anymore. Whether it’s a rewrite or a completely fresh script, the gears of progress are finally in motion for Crowe’s film, which already has Emma Stone and Bradley Cooper attached to star as the leads, and is set to begin shooting in October. The script was written by Crowe, and Scott Rudin (Moonrise KingdomThe Social Network) is signed on as producer.

Deadline is now reporting that Rachel McAdams, who was most recently seen in Brian de Palma’s thriller Passion, is in talks for a role as an ex-lover of Cooper’s character, adding that the latest description of the movie is, “funny and romantic, with a tone similar to past Crowe films Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous.”

rachel mcadams in passion

If you’re a fan of Crowe’s previous films, then that description should come as good news. If not, don’t dismiss the project just yet, as descriptions of Emma Stone’s character seem to suggest that the writer-director may have learnt from past criticisms. The story is now being described as a two-hander, with the lead male and female characters on equal footing, and Crowe’s stock Manic Pixie Dream Girl character has apparently been reworked into a brooding female protagonist dealing with her own issues.

McAdams’ role in the film isn’t a lock yet, though as far as we’re aware there aren’t any scheduling conflicts that might thwart it. The actress will feature in two films coming out this year – Anthony Corbijn’s adaptation of John le Carré thriller A Most Wanted Man, and Richard Curtis’ sci-fi dramedy About Time – but she’s not yet attached to any projects with a fall shooting schedule.

Did We Bought a Zoo leave you excited for more material from Cameron Crowe? If not, is the talent attached enough to pique your interest in his new project? Share your thoughts in the comments.