(TC) The NFL’s richest owners might surprise you: How wealthy are Jerry Jones and the Hunt Family?

Clark Hunt is only the second richest owner in the NFL, while Jones ranks seventh.

The recent sale of the Denver Broncos for $4.65 billion to a group of investors led by Rob Walton highlighted the immense economic power of NFL owners. While some of them are among the richest people in the US, there are some surprises in the rankings.

It’s interesting to note that some of the owners of the league’s pioneering teams are among the least wealthy. For instance, the net worth of Mike Brown, owner of the Cincinnati Bengals, is around $925 million, according to estimates from the Pro Football Network website. Similarly, Art Rooney II (Pittsburgh Steelers) has a net worth of $1.2 billion, Virginia Halas McCaskey (Chicago Bears) and Zygi Wilf (Minnesota Vikings) are worth $1.3 billion each.

The second tier of owners

A tier above are the businessmen who amassed fortunes in other industries before turning to the NFL at the end of the last century. One such example is Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, whose net worth is $11.1 billion. Kraft made his initial fortune in the paper and packaging business before purchasing the Patriots in 1994 for $172 million.

Another notable figure is Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas CowboysJones was already a successful oil businessman when he acquired the Cowboys in 1989 for $140 million. Currently, the controversial owner of the so-called “America’s Team” has a net worth of $13.8 billion.

The richest owners

Ranked third among the wealthiest team owners is David Tepper of the Carolina Panthers, with a net worth of $20.6 billion. Despite the Kansas City Chiefs’ popularity, Clark Hunt and his family rank second with a net worth of $24.8 billion.

Surprisingly, the wealthiest owner is Rob Walton, the heir to the Walmart empire. Walton acquired the Broncos along with his sister Carrie Walton Penner and her husband Greg Penner, and a number or minor shareholders. Walton’s net worth is nearly triple that of the Hunt family, at a staggering $77.4 billion.