(TC) Will Batman ’89 Sequel Use Robin Williams’ Version of Riddler?

The recently concluded Batman ’89 comic series should continue and introduce a new version of the Riddler, but not the Robin Williams version that nearly appeared in Tim Burton’s scrapped film Batman Continues. The Tim Burton Batman films are among the most influential in the superhero genre, so seeing their continuation in comic form (and in a branching timeline from Joel Schumacher’s Batman sequels) is more than welcome. While Batman ’89 used the likeness of specific actors for its characters, it should avoid using the late Robin Williams’ appearance for the Riddler if it continues in another miniseries.

Written by Sam Hamm, the screenwriter of 1989’s Batman and the original story treatment of Batman ReturnsBatman ’89 is an alternate sequel to Burton’s controversial 1992 film, continuing plot threads and character arcs from the two movies and adhering more closely to their visual and narrative style than Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. In addition to bringing back Batman and Catwoman, who use the respective likenesses of Michael Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman ‘89 also fulfills two unrealized character plans. Harvey Dent, who resembles Billy Dee Williams, becomes the villainous Two-Face and an original character named Drake Winston becomes Robin, using the likeness of Marlon Wayans, who nearly played Robin in Batman Returns.

Another Batman ’89 miniseries by Sam Hamm and Joe Quinones should use another rejected Burton Batman idea and make the Riddler its villain, but it should avoid the complicated and problematic history behind the late Robin Williams’ near-casting as the iconic villain. Williams had a poor experience with the production of 1989’s Batman and its second sequel, at one point being considered to play the Joker and later being offered the role of the Riddler. Out of respect for Williams, another Batman ’89 series should use the likeness of another frequent collaborator of Tim Burton’s if it introduces a new version of the Riddler.

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Warner Bros. wanted Jack Nicholson to play the role of the Joker in the first Batman film from the start, but Nicholson was uninterested in accepting the studio’s offer at first. As a way of enticing Nicholson, Warner Bros. falsely cast Robin Williams as the Clown Prince of Crime (a role he’d been eager to play), which successfully convinced Nicholson to take the role instead. This left Williams with justifiable anger towards WB. When genuinely offered the role of the Riddler in the third Batman film, Williams reportedly declined, and Jim Carrey ultimately took his place in what became Batman Forever.

In another Batman ’89 series, the Riddler seems to be the most likely and fitting choice to oppose Batman and Robin, but it would be disrespectful to the late Robin Williams to use his likeness after his experience with WB. Since Batman ’89 introduces a new version of Barbara Gordon, using the likeness of frequent Tim Burton collaborator Winona Ryder, a similar choice should be made for the Riddler, with perhaps the likeness of Timothy Spall or the late Alan Rickman being used for him. Batman ’89 will hopefully continue with the Riddler as its next villain, but reopening the controversial treatment of Robin Williams by using his license would be a poor choice.