Breaking Chains: How Ariana Grande’s Independent Spirit Catapulted Her to Stardom – Dereknews

Ariana Grande’s meteoric rise from Nickelodeon starlet to pop music powerhouse can be attributed to a multitude of factors, but her unyielding independence stands out as a crucial driving force. From a young age, Grande displayed a rebellious spirit that pushed her to break free from the typical child star mold and pursue her true passions. Her tenacious pursuit of musical excellence and creative control over her artistry have allowed her to carve her own path in the music industry.

Early Seeds of Independence

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Even as a child actress, Grande showed an awareness of the limitations of the typical child star trajectory. She actively sought opportunities that would allow her to break free from the Disney mold and showcase her vocal talents beyond pre-packaged teenybopper tunes. At age 15, she landed the role of Charlotte in the Broadway musical 13, demonstrating her ambition to pursue more challenging artistic endeavors.

Tenacious Pursuit of Musical Passions

Despite initial pressure to conform to a more commercially viable pop sound, Grande remained steadfast in her pursuit of R&B and soul influences. This resulted in her breakthrough debut album “Yours Truly” in 2013, which showcased her distinct vocal style and musicality. The album received critical acclaim and launched Grande’s career as a serious R&B-influenced pop artist.

Taking the Reins

Saying No to Limitations: Grande famously walked away from a promising role on the sitcom “Victorious” in order to focus fully on her music career – a bold move that demonstrated her unwavering commitment to her artistic vision.


Building Her Own Team: Recognizing the importance of collaborators who support her creative choices, Grande handpicked her managers, producers, and songwriters. This team empowered her to pursue the artistic direction she wanted.

Embracing Creative Control: From songwriting to music videos, Grande actively participates in shaping every aspect of her artistic output. This results in a cohesive and authentic brand that resonates deeply with her fans.

Independence Beyond Music

Philanthropic Endeavors: Grande’s charitable efforts, like fundraising for the victims of the Manchester bombing and advocating for animal welfare, demonstrate her dedication to causes she believes in, independent of industry pressures.

Embracing Individuality: Grande’s personal style, relationship choices, and lifestyle reflect a disregard for conventional expectations and a celebration of her unique identity. She embraces her individuality unapologetically.

Grande’s success story is a testament to the power of independent spirit. By staying true to her artistic vision, making bold choices, and surrounding herself with a supportive team, she has forged her own path in the music industry, inspiring fans to embrace their own individuality and chase their dreams. While independence has been key, her undeniable talent, work ethic, and ability to connect with fans have also fueled her rise to stardom. Grande’s story shows that with determination and an unwillingness to compromise one’s vision, even the unlikeliest of stars can break free from limitations and achieve great success.