Chris Brown re-posts Snoop Dogg’s shocking message calling Caitlyn Jenner a ‘science project’ before quickly deleting it

Chris Brown sparked outrage tonight when he re-posted Snoop Dogg’s shocking meme calling Caitlyn Jenner a ‘science project’ – before swiftly deleting it.

Outspoken rapper Snoop posted the meme on Instagram in which he referred to Caitlyn as ‘Bruce’ following the revelation she is now living her life as a woman.

The picture – which was shared with his featured an image of Akon, and said:
“Shout out to Akon ! He is about to supply 600 million Africans with solar power.

“Im really upset that this isnt major news but that science project bruce jenner is

#Society (sic)”


Alongside the snap, he wrote a caption which included emojis referring to Akon’s

work and added: “News Flash @akon tune in to ggn for some real news. (sic)”

Chris deleted the snap almost straight away tonight after fans expressed their

It came as a surprise as Chris is good friends with both Caitlyn’s daughters Kylie
and Kendall Jenner, and Kylie tweeted shortly after: “State what you want about
the world without bashing others. Leave a positive impact.”

Snoop’s original post sparked a wave of shocked comments from Insatgram users.

One wrote: “Just deleted all your music off my iTunes. You have no respect for trans people so I have no respect for you. What Akon is doing is heroic, but that does not need to be used to denounce Caitlyn’s heroism. 

“Coming out on such a huge scale will and has inspired so many LGBTQ people, so
f *** you Snoop, that’s not a science project.”

However, another fan defended him and added: “@snoopdogg used be a big fan
of yours as kid, over the years I’ve lost respect, supporting gun control as one
example. That said this is spot on! Glad you still have some of that OG in you still”

We have reached out to Snoopb and Chris’s reps for comment.

Snoops comments come after Caitlyn was mocked during a vile Fox News segment
as they referred to her as a man and laughed on air.

Meanwhile, Drake Bell has also been criticised after tweeting that he would still be
calling her Bruce.