Margot Robbie’s New Movie Announcement Ironically Pays Off Her Funniest Line From Barbie

Margot Robbie is officially helping produce another new movie which happens to perfectly pay off one of her funniest lines from Barbie.

Margot Robbie as Barbie next to a silhouette of the Monopoly Man

One of Margot Robbie’s funniest Barbie lines was just made even better after the actress’ latest movie announcement. Barbie was undoubtedly one of the biggest movies of 2023, with the summer hit earning over $1.4 billion and making a huge pop-cultural impact. Although the movie did a great job of including serious and emotional elements, Barbie‘s tone was largely energetic with plenty of humorous moments. One of the film’s funniest lines has now been made even greater after it was confirmed that Margot Robbie would produce a Monopoly movie following the success of Barbie.

Barbie‘s popularity was inevitably going to inspire numerous films to try and replicate its success, with several movies based on Mattel toys already being announced. While it seems unlikely for any of these projects to be quite as dominant at the box office as Barbie was, Margot Robbie’s next project may be the best competitor. Monopoly isn’t a Mattel product, but it is one of the most popular board games of all time, giving it a big reputation. Although the Monopoly movie will try and use Robbie’s experience to match Barbie‘s success, her involvement makes one Barbie scene even funnier.

Margot Robbie’s Monopoly Movie Is Hilarious After Her “Railways & Commerce” Line From Barbie

Barbie’s Railway & Commerce Line Seems Like A Direct Reference To Monopoly

Margot Robbie as Barbie with money falling behind her



Margot Robbie smiling at the elderly woman while sitting on a bench in Barbie


Stereotypical Barbie stands in front of movie film


Barbie singing in her car with Ken in the back in Barbie.


Margot Robbie’s Barbie line about railways and commerce is even more hilarious now that she is part of the Monopoly movie. Barbie thinks the real world is full of female empowerment, but she is shocked to learn that the world isn’t how she expected it to be and is even labeled a fascist. This leads to one of the funniest lines in the movie where she says, “She thinks I’m a fascist? I don’t control the railways or the flow of commerce.” Her idea of fascism comes across as extremely simple and seems to be a direct reference to Monopoly.

With Margot Robbie continuing her movie adaptation trend through Monopoly, this line has even more meaning and becomes extra comedic. Barbie‘s depiction of fascism was already hilarious, given how uneducated Barbie is about such complicated political subjects, especially as her knowledge is based on the concepts of Monopoly. The fact that Robbie is now working on a Monopoly movie adds some irony to this scene, as the game is all about purchasing and selling properties like railways. Given this is exactly what Barbie claims not to do, Robbie’s producer role in the Monopoly movie makes this scene even more comical.

The Monopoly Movie Is Primed To Repeat 1 Huge Scene From Barbie

Margot Robbie’s Monopoly Movie Looks Like It Will Imitate America Ferrera’s Pivotal Scene

Margot Robbie's Barbie expressing an idea to America Ferrera's Gloria in front of Michael Cera's Allan in Barbie

With Barbie exploring some important themes, the Monopoly movie looks set to repeat one of the movie’s biggest scenes. Greta Gerwig’s Barbie is full of empowering moments, but America Ferrera’s speech is arguably the film’s most pivotal one. While it helps set up the movie’s finale, it also includes an important message about feminism that is at the heart of Barbie. This scene helped maintain Barbie‘s light tone while spreading its most important message, and Monopoly looks poised to do the same. With capitalism being a big part of the board game, the movie will likely address this theme.

There is still no word about who will be in the movie, but it seems inevitable that there will be a crucial scene that addresses the concerns about capitalism, big businesses, and monopolies themselves. The greedy and competitive nature of owning every property is a fun element of the game, but it is a far bigger concern when brought to reality. Given the movie will presumably be set in a fictional world based on the board game, Monopoly will likely have a scene similar to Ferrera’s Barbie speech which would help add some much-needed substance to the film’s premise.