UH OH! Diddy Producer NAMES More Celebrities! Amy Schumer, Chris Brown & DJ Khaled Did What?!


Little Rod Jones, a former producer associated with Diddy, has recently made
shocking allegations against the music mogul, doubling down on his previous
claims. He asserts that there are hundreds of hours of audio recordings implicating
Diddy in various crimes and even involving other celebrities. Welcome to Popcorn

Planet, I’m your host, Andy Signore. In this follow-up to our previous coverage, we
delve deeper into the latest developments.


Jones begins by reiterating the magnitude of evidence he claims to possess,
emphasizing the recordings’ authenticity under penalty of perjury. While he does

not directly implicate the celebrities mentioned, he asserts their presence at events
where illicit activities allegedly took place.



Jason Derulo, a beneficiary of Diddy’s mentorship, has come forward in defense of
the mogul, citing the principle of innocence until proven guilty. However, Jones
suggests that Derulo’s support may be influenced by his indebtedness to Diddy
for his career.

The document details specific instances involving celebrities like Chris Brown and

Justin Combs, Diddy’s son, at parties where illegal activities allegedly occurred.
While there is no evidence of wrongdoing by these celebrities, their association
with Diddy during such events raises questions.

Jones also implicates Stevie J and references other influential figures in the music
industry, insinuating their involvement in similar activities. However, he
acknowledges that his perception of events may have been manipulated by Diddy
to ease his anxieties and facilitate compliance.

Furthermore, Jones alleges that Diddy attempted to groom him for encounters
with other celebrities, including Cuba Gooding Jr., suggesting a pattern of
exploitation and abuse of power.


The document mentions Amy Schumer’s presence at one of Diddy s gatherings,
although there is no indication of her involvement in any illicit activities.
Nevertheless, her inclusion in the narrative adds another layer of complexity to the
unfolding saga.


Little Rod Jones’ latest declaration has thrust several celebrities into the spotlight,
raising uestions about their associations with Diddy and potential complicity in
illegal activities. While these allegations are yet to be substantiated, they
underscore the need for a thorough investigation into the claims made against
Diddy and others implicated in the scandal. As the story continues to unfold, it
serves as a sobering reminder of the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry
and the power dynamics at play behind the scenes. Stay tuned for further updates
on this developina storv.