What Really Happened Between Margot Robbie And Will Smith?

Margot Robbie and Will Smith faced a photo-related scandal

Margot Robbie and Will Smith

In 2013, Star magazine alleged that Will Smith was caught cheating with his Focus co-star, Margot Robbie. In the report, the publication claimed that in photo booth pictures they obtained and subsequently published on their cover, “Will appears shirtless and Margo[t] lifts her shirt up to reveal her lingerie.” An unnamed source also claimed that, “Once they pulled the curtain back to take the pictures, they let their inhibitions run wild, laughing, hugging and muzzling each other in the dark.” Scandalous!

However, E! News wasted no time calling the entire story out as bogus. According to E!’s informed source, “These pictures were commissioned by production. The entire cast and crew saw them taken” The informant maintained, “The photo booth was on set all day for a bit of fun. It wasn’t even a party—they were taken during the day and everyone knew about them. It was the last day of shooting.” According to the outlet, the same anonymous source ultimately concluded, “Will and Margot are absolutely just friends, that is all.” And there ya have it, folks.

Margot Robbie has sworn off dating actors

Margot Robbie and Will Smith

In a 2015 interview with Marie Claire, Margot Robbie swore off dating actors for good! The Wolf of Wall Street star talked candidly about her lack of interest in fellow actors. “I am officially off the market. I made a conscious decision not to date actors, but not because I hate actors. That’s a nasty generalization to make, and that’s not the case. People take such an interest in your love life when you have a profile that it puts a lot of stress on a relationship,” Robbie declared. “So, two people with profiles, I figure it’s just double the amount of scrutiny, and I’d like to avoid that at all costs.” Hmm… if we can take Robbie’s words at face value then that means co-star Will Smith would be the furthest thing from the actress’s mind, right?

But not so fast — as reported by E! News, Robbie was caught planting a big fat one on Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgård just the month prior to the Marie Claire interview. So, was Robbie coming clean with her declaration or simply blowing smoke up the reporter’s hiney? Sounds an awful lot like the lady doth protest too much, eh?! Either way, suspicion still lingers as to whether Robbie and the Fresh Prince secretly had an “entanglement” of their own. Unless, ya know, the Smiths decide to host another Red Table Talk and address the rumor head-on, which TBH isn’t such a stretch.