YouTuber Jake Paul turns up at MrBeast’s house uninvited and it’s super awkward

Jake Paul was up to his usual Jake Paul online menace-ness this weekend when he decided to turn up to fellow YouTuber MrBeast’s house uninvited.

Adding to this ‘For Sale’ gag series, Jake flew from the Super Bowl in Atlanta to North Carolina (which is a good thing, seeing as Jake is from Los Angeles which is over 2,000 miles from North Carolina, for anyone playing at home) to pay the guy a visit.

Not letting MrBeast – real name Jimmy Donaldson – know he was about to receive a night caller, Jake started by pranking the guy, who was hanging out with his crew at home after their own Super Bowl shenanigans.


Jake Paul standing with a 'for sale' sign outside MrBeast's house in his YouTube video

‘We’re in Greenville, North Carolina, home of the infamous YouTuber MrBeast, also known as Jimmy,’ Team 10 lead Jake said in the introduction to the video.

‘We were just at the Super Bowl…we decided “why not fly a couple states up and sell MrBeast’s house?”’

They got the ‘inside scoop’ on where he lived – that’s small towns for you, we guess – and although Jake added he was a fan of Jimmy’s videos, they picked up a For Sale sign and headed on over to do their dirty work for the cameras.

As the sun went down, they felt it safer to work under the cover of darkness, clearly, as Jake planted the For Sale sign on MrBeast’s front lawn – well, he tried to before he ran away after one of Jimmy’s friends turned up.

Jimmy, known as MrBeast on YouTube is filmed at his front door by Jake Paul

He said: ‘We have to knock on the door,’ as they decided to ‘ding dong ditch’ by knocking and then running…before returning to say hi. What a rollercoaster of emotions this is for you, we bet.

After believing perhaps it was a bunch of local teen hooligans, the lads were a little hesitant to head back to the door once Jake and his mate Anthony returned. But they did. Which is a good thing for this video, right?

‘If they’re mad I’m just gonna run,’ Jake’s trusty sidekick Anthony said.

Instead Jimmy answered the door and after a long, long moment of awkward hesitation he realised he wasn’t being roped into a surprise boxing match or something.

‘Oh you’re doing one of those,’ MrBeast said, as he pointed to the sign on his lawn. ‘Why are you in North Carolina?

As Jake answered: ‘We’re literally here to sell your house,’ one of MrBeast’s mates said in the background: ‘Is that Jake Paul?’

As they handed out some awkward high fives the two LA lads were invited inside in all awkwardness. Not going to lie, it was uncomfortable for many to watch – like two different friend groups that have nothing in common hanging out.

Fans picked up on that as well, as one said shaded Jake by saying: ‘Your channel is so dead you used MrBeast for views.’

That was echoed by another comment that read: ‘Oh my God you are trying so much.’

Jimmy knew what he was doing, though, as the philanthropic vlogger, who has been helping PewDiePie in his quest to remain on top of the YouTube pile in the fight against T-Series, had one caveat of Jake entering his house.

‘Before you come in, if they’re gonna enter this house I need to promote PewDiePie,’ he said, before addressing the camera. ‘Please subscribe to PewDiePie.’

He’s a smart guy, that Jimmy Donaldson.