Dwayne Johnson reignites Vin Diesel feud, mockingly refers to his Jumanji co-stars as ‘candy asses’ /d

Dwayne Johnson has resurrected the phrase that lit up the gossip pages back in August, posting an Instagram video describing his co-stars in the upcoming Jumanji reboot as “candy asses”.

Don’t worry, though. It’s just another snipe at his Fast and Furious co-star Vin Diesel, who was earlier this summer implicated as the unprofessional diva Johnson rallied about in an Instagram caption.

If you need a gentle reminder of the saga, Johnson created the summer’s juiciest blind item in a lengthy caption celebrating his final week shooting the upcoming Fast 8. Johnson praised the film’s production company Universal Pictures, his female co-stars, and “some” of his male co-stars, before launching a scathing, thinly-veiled attack on unnamed members of his “candy ass” Fast and Furious cast.


Lin-Manuel Miranda, Auli’i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson at the world premiere of Disney’s Moana. CREDIT: Reuters/Danny Moloshok

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t,” he wrote. “The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.”

“#ZeroToleranceForCandyAsses,” he also hashtagged.

The break from Johnson’s traditional nice-guy brand lead some to suspect the feud was a publicity stunt for an eventual WrestleMania fight between Johnson and Diesel in time for the April release of the film itself. But Johnson’s latest Instagram video seems to only add fire to the rivalry.

As if to confirm the Jumanji set isn’t a hotbed of testosterone, tension and xXx-shaped diva demands (allegedly), Johnson is verbally attacked by each and every one of his co-stars when seeking praise for a helicopter stunt.

“Tell the world how you feel about me,” he implores. What follows are lengthy, unenthusiastic tirades from his co-stars Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Nick Jonas.

“In a huge action sequence I’m hanging off the side of a helicopter saving the lives of my co-stars,” he wrote, “and this is the gratitude they show? For the record, I’m the one 800ft in the air being fearless while they sit on their candy asses by the monitors with their little microphones talking sh*t.”


Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan and Jack Black in Jumanji. CREDIT: Universal Pictures

It’s been a busy couple of weeks for Johnson, who was crowned People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive, expressed his interest in running for president, and supplied a voice for Disney’s Moana.

He also reiterated his lack of regret for the original Instagram post, telling the Los Angeles Times: “I was very clear with what I said. I’ve been in the game a long time. Would Universal have preferred that didn’t happen? Sure, we talked about it. The irony is after that and as they do their tracking and all their analysis, the interest shot through the roof to a whole other level.”

Whatever the truth of the alleged feud, we’re waiting with baited breath for the Fast 8 press tour.